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i wake up on the front step, cold and soaking wet. my back hurts, my hair and uniform are soaked and i think i've caught a cold.

i stand up and try the front door again. it's still locked.

last night must have been one of the rare nights where my mom didn't leave the house.

i sigh and sit back down on the front steps. i try to turn my phone on, it's dead.

"no texting anyone from the team then." i think, disappointed.

"did you get back into your house?" the other voice in my head asks.

"no, i'm still locked out." i sigh.

"is everything okay? are you feeling okay? you shouldn't be out in the rain all night." he says.

"yes i'm okay i promise, if worst comes to worst i'll break the window." i say, reassuring him.

"as long as nothing happened. if you aren't feeling well don't go to school. you have a valid reason not to." he tells me.

"i know i know! you don't need to keep worrying about me i'm fine!" i say.

i hear the font door open. i turn my head to see Yuki poke her head out.

"[name]." she whispers. "come inside, mommy is still asleep."

i nod and follow her inside silently.

"my sister let me in. i'm okay now." i announce.

"good." he replies bluntly.

Yuki ushers me into my room the closes the door, i lock it then change out of my soggy uniform.

my body feels soggy itself, i've decided that sleeping in the rain is not ideal for me. i grab a random towel hanging on my door and attempt to dry myself off.

i put on a new pair of clothes i plug my phone in. i feel drained, exhausted from volleyball practice then not getting a proper sleep.

my body almost feels numb.

i flip onto my bed and crawl under the covers. almost falling asleep instantly. the last thing i hear is my soulmate saying:

"i hope you're feeling okay."

i would have answered, but exhaustion took over before i could.


i'm SORRY! another short one the next one will be long i promise. it's like 1 am rn and i'm more tired then usual so i think imma pass out now.

goodnight ily💕

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