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"it's you. it's actually you." i whisper, releasing him. he turns to face me, and pulls me back into a hug.

"you found me." he murmurs.

"uh, Akaashi? who's this?" a tall guy with owl like features asks.

Akaashi looks at me, then back to the grey haired guy.

"well, i guess it's complicated." he admits, smiling at me a little.

"i have to go play. would you like to come watch? we can talk after." he asks. i nod and walk with him and his team to the gym.

"you don't know my name do you?" i ask through my mind.

"no, i don't. i wonder if you can tell me now." he replies.

"i'm [name] [last name]."

"Keiji Akaashi."

i walk silently beside him. taking in his features. he's about an inch taller than me. his eyes are a pretty dark green, complimented by his raven hair.

the group reaches the gym. though it isn't the main stadium.

"i guess i'll just go sit somewhere up there." i say, motioning to a fairly empty area in the stands. he nods and joins his team.

i walk up to the bleachers and take a seat, not to close to the crowd but close enough to see Akaashi play.

the whistle blows and the game begins. the other team serves first, i watch as fukurodani's libero receives the ball, sending it directly to Akaashi. he sets for the guy with grey hair. but he seems to be in a funk.

Akaashi motions for a time out, their coach calls it.

they're a good team, but the aces attitude could could be a problem. (i love you bokuto)


fukurodani was at set point in no time. after Akaashi gave the ace a pep talk it was over for the other team.

i'm on the edge of my seat as Akaashi serves. the other team receives and sets up a good attack, only for the ball to be dug back up by fukurodani's libero.

the ball is sent straight to Akaashi, who sends it to the guy with the grey hair.

the ace hits a hard line shot, ending to game.

the stadium erupts in cheering. i smile and clap with them.

"i gotta admit, you're a pretty good setter, and tell that ace of yours he's a good hitter." i say. he looks up to where i'm sitting and nods at me, before going to join his team.

i smile softly and walk out of the stadium.

i wait patiently for Akaashi to walk out of the stadium with his team.

i watch as the people in the stadium begin to file out.

"i won't be out for awhile, just meet me back here at around eight okay?" Akaashi says.

"okay.. i'll see you later." i reply before walking back to my hotel.


i check the time on my phone. it reads seven thirty.

"i think i forgot something at the gym." i tell my captain. she nods.

"go ahead and get it, try to be back soon though okay?" she replies. i nod and leave the hotel.

i walk down the empty streets back to the stadium.

"i'm almost at the stadium." i think to Akaashi.

"okay, i'm here waiting." he answers. i pick up the pace, not wanting to leave him waiting much longer.

the excitement builds up the closer i get to the stadium.

once i'm on the street i start to jog, quickly approaching my destination. i only slow down when i see Akaashi's figure sitting on a bench under a street light.

"Akaashi?" i call out. he looks up at me, then stands up.

[name], you're here." he says, smiling a little. i nod, blushing at him a little.

"should we take a walk while we talk about this or..?" i suggest. he nods and starts walking, i follow.

we walk in a comfortable silence for a little while, admiring the city.

"so, about the soulmate thing.." i begin. "are you, yknow.. comfortable with me being your soulmate."

he looks at me. seeming genuinely puzzled.

"why wouldn't i be? you're a great hard working person. you're sweet, caring, funny and beautiful." he monotones.

my cheeks flare up once again. i begin to cry a little, Akaashi gives me another confused look.

"why are you crying?" he asks.

"i'm just happy i found you." i smile genuinely, wiping my tears. "i am a little worried you were expecting me to look different though."

he pulls me into a hug, wrapping his slender arms around my waist. i hug his back, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

"i like you the way you are." he murmurs in my ear.

"i like you the way you are too." i breathe, hugging him tighter.

"cmon, i'll walk you back to your hotel." he says, wiping my tears and giving me a small smile.

i nod and take his hand.

"i love you."

"i love you too."


it's over.

i hope you all enjoyed this book, i really appreciate all of the support.

bye bye💞

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