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the ball is set to me, a repeat of last time. but the difference is, we're the ones at set point.

i take aim, my hand connects with the ball. l lock eyes with aoba johsais libero for a moment, then hit the ball down directly in front of her.

shiratorizawa wins in four sets.

i land, a stunned look on my face. my teammates surround me, thanking me, hugging me. the third years hug me and cry.

i just stand in the middle of it all, finally feeling like part of the team.



our bus pulls into the parking lot. the two drowsy teams flow out of the bus and go their separate ways.

i'm the last one out. i stand on the last step of the bus for a minute, watching the rain drops fall into the puddles.

"have a goodnight." our bus driver says, smiling sweetly at me.

"thank you, you as well." i smile back.

i step off the bus and into the rain. i speed walk home, knowing my mother has probably left Yuki at home by herself again.

i make it home fast. as i open the front door i hear Yuki running down the hallway.

"[name]? is that you?" she calls out timidly.

"yes it's me. sorry i'm so late." i apologize, glancing at the clock.

"did you guys win today?" she asks, giving me a hug. i nod.

"yeah we did." i smile. "now let's get you to bed okay?"

she nods, then we walk together to her bedroom.

i tuck her in and give her a kiss on the forehead.

"goodnight Yuki." i smile, before walking out of her room and closing the door behind me.

i let out a sigh and walk the bathroom. i have a quick shower then brush my teeth and hair before trudging back to my own bedroom.

i close my door and flop onto my bed.

"how were your games today?" my soul mate asks.

"good, we won all of them." i tell him. we'll be going to —— in about a month. i'm really excited."

"that's great. my team won our games today too." he puts in. i smile.

"maybe we'll meet at the —— tournament." i say jokingly.

"i couldn't hear the location you said, but maybe. if you're thinking about the same place i'm thinking about." he replies.

"yeah.. maybe we will."

"i'm going to go to sleep. goodnight, have a good sleep."


"i love you.." i mutter out loud.


hmm yes you love your soulmate😼

okay i'm going to sleep

bye bye love you

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