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i slowly open the front door and step inside. i take my shoes off and walk into the kitchen.

Yuki sits at the kitchen table eating and watching cartoons on my laptop, while my mother sits on the kitchen counter scrolling through instagram on her phone and drinking a glass of wine.

"you're finally home." my mother snaps. "i'm going to get ready to go."

with that she leaves the room. i glare after her and grab something to eat.

i plop down in the seat beside Yuki and eat quietly, listening to her cartoon.

"how was your day [name]?" she asks, keeping her eyes trained on her show.

"it was good, thank you for asking Yuki. how was yours?" i smile.

"really good! my teacher let us play outside for gym! and at recess Aiko and i played tag with Miko and Tanji!" she beams.

"sounds like a very good day." i say, smiling at her.

she laughs and continues to watch her show. we sit in silence again until my mother walks into the room.

she wears a short red dress, her hair is curled and her lips are a deep red. she slips on her high heels and grabs her keys.

"could you try to come home tonight? i can't bring Yuki to school tomorrow." i request timidly before she walks out the door.

she shrugs them leaves the house.

i furrow my eye brows then turn to Yuki.

"i have to do some homework. i'll just be at the desk in my room okay?" i tell her.

"okay!" she bubbles before bouncing off to the living room.

i smile after her then walk to my bedroom.


"Yuki! time for bed!" i call as i walk into the living room.

"can't i stay up a little longer? please, [name]?" she begs. i smile at her.

"no Yuki, you have school tomorrow. i'll ready you a story though." i say.

"okay!" she cheers, running off to get ready for bed. i laugh and follow her.

i take a seat on her bed and wait for her to finish getting ready. i listen to her brush her teeth.

"don't forget to dental floss!" i chirp.

"i won't!" she responds.

a couple minutes later she scurries back into the room and jumps onto the bed beside me.

"what book would you like me to read?" i ask. she thinks for a second then reaches over me to her bedside table.

"this one!" she sings, holding the book out in front of her.

not this one again.

"what do you mean 'not this one again'?" my soulmate inquires.

"reading to my sister. she always picks this book." i respond.

"hm. why don't you read to me too?" he suggests.

"sure if you'd like." i say. 

i begin reading softly to my sister and soul mate.

after awhile i'm finished reading. i tuck Yuki into bed and kiss her on the forehead.

"goodnight Yuki, have a good rest." i say as i go to get up.

i'm about to walk away but i'm stopped by Yuki pulling on my shirt.

"can i sleep with you tonight [name]? please? i'm afraid that mommy will bring someone home with her." she pleads. i nod.

"sure, cmon let's go to my room." i say. she hops out of bed and follows me to my bedroom.

i tuck her in once again and slide into bed beside her.


"goodnight, have a good sleep."


hello my friends, how are you all doing? i'm okay lol

okay bye hope you enjoyed this chapter

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