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i walk through the front gates of the school, it's wednesday only a few more days until the deciding tournament.

i'm late for school, i had to walk my younger sister to school today, but she just so happened to forget something and made us go back.

now here i am outside of school, halfway through first period sweaty and tired from running from my sisters school to here.

i rush into the school and towards my classroom. i open the classroom door and slip inside as quietly as possible.

my teacher nods at me, acknowledging that i'm here.

i take my seat and sit through the lecture.

"good morning." i think.

"good morning. are you feeling better today?" he asks.

"yes thank you, though i was late for school today." i sigh.

"why's that?"he inquires.

"i was walking my sister to school today but she forgot something, so we had to go all the way back to our house, then we had to run back to her school. i got her there on time but i had to sprint to my school and i still wasn't even on time." i say.

"sounds like a crazy morning."

"sure was."


i sigh as the bell rings. i'm about to stand up before my teacher motions me to stay in my seat.

i stiffen and watch as the other students walk out of the classroom. soon enough i am left alone with my teacher.

"can you tell me why you were late this morning ms. [last name]?" she asks. i nod.

"i was walking my sister to school today, but she forgot something, so we had to go back home. i then walked her back to school but by the time we got there i was already late for school." i admit.

"i'm so sorry, it won't happen again." i promise, standing up and bowing.

"one last thing before you go [last name]. is everything okay at home? you shouldn't be the one responsible for taking your sister to school. that's your mothers job." she says, seeming concerned.

i contemplate telling her. she's a very good teacher and seems very trust worthy.

"my moms just not home very often." i finally confess.

"is it work related?" she questions. i shake my head.

"no. she's usually out on dates or around with random men." i continue." so i pretty much care for my sister and the house. she does work to support us, just not very often."

"as long as you're okay [name]. please let me know if you need anything at all okay?" she consoles. i nod.

she excuses me then walks back to her desk. i gather my things then scurry out of the classroom to volleyball practice.


this ones a bit longer😼 i kinda really enjoy writing this it's a lot of fun. i like this type of soulmate au, i don't have to hold off until the time is right for them to meet each other. i can just always have them communicating.

okay bye ily guys💕

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