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"you can't keep leaving us here alone this late at night mom!" the girl screeched to her mother. "it isn't safe!"

"and what are you gonna do?" the mother laughs. the girl glares at her.

"i'll take Yuki and we'll leave." the girl snarled.

"where would you go? your father lives in another country with a new family, and no one else would want you two." she retorts.

"i'll go anywhere but here! anything's better than being around you! you're so toxic!" the girl yells.

"shut up! i gave you a roof over your head and this is how you repay me?! you're the toxic one here!" the mother yells back.

"you always act so childish! get your life together would you? you have two daughters for god sake! you're not a teenager anymore!" the girl screams.

"shut up!" the mother screams, slapping her daughter across the face.

i wake up in a cold sweat. my eyes dart around my bedroom. i calm myself then slip out of bed.

i decide to walk around the house to see if my mother was home yet. i pray that she isn't.

i walk into her bedroom to check on Yuki, she still lays sound asleep.

i quickly check around the rest of my house. no sign of my mother.

sighing, i walk back to my bedroom. i flop on my bed and climb back under the sheets.

i lay awake for awhile. i debate weather i should wake him up or not.

"hey.. are you awake..?" i whisper through my thoughts. everything stays silent for awhile.

"yeah, i am. is everything okay?" he finally answers.

"just a bad dream." i respond rolling onto my back.

"do you want to talk about it?" he asks.

"yes please. if you don't mind." i reply softly.

i tell him about the dream, and my mother and my younger sister. he doesn't say a word, he just listens.

"your mother doesn't sound very responsible. have you tried talking to her about that?" he asks me.

"yes i have. the dream i just told you about actually happened, though it was only half of it." i reply.

"oh i'm sorry. i hope things get better for you." he says.

"thank you. that means a lot." i express. i look at my alarm clock, it reads four thirty.

"i should get ready to go, thank you for listening to me." i say.

"have a good day at school." he responds

"thank you. i'll talk to you later." i say.

my thoughts go silent as i slip out of bed once again. i walk quietly to the bathroom and turn on the shower.

i step inside and stand under the hot water. it runs down my back and onto the shower floor.  i wash my upper body before i shave my legs.

i turn off the water and step out of the shower. i wipe off the foggy mirror and lean in to examine the acne on my face. i then brush my teeth then walk back into my bedroom.

i put on my uniform and walk to my mothers room. i softly shake Yuki awake.

"Yuki? can you get up and get ready please?" i whisper to her softly.

"[name].. it's so early.." she groans, rolling over to face me.

"i know.. i'm sorry. i have to walk you to Aiko's this morning, i have morning practice and mom isn't home." i apologize.

she nods and slide out of bed. yawning she walks out of the room and towards her room.

i walk to the kitchen and make some toast for Yuki and i. i butter the toast and put it on a small plate.

"Yuki! come get breakfast!" i call. she scurries into the kitchen and sits down at the table.

"hurry and eat. i need to go to school soon." i say. she nods and eats her toast.

we finish eating and walk out of the house. i lock the door behind me.



hello friends how are you guys?

i've been gone for so long i'm sorry. i'm trying to get more chapter out asap!

okay bye

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