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Normani did her best to calm the butterflies in her stomach while she gathered ice for her best friend. Today was the biggest day of their lives, especially Robyn's. Welcoming Deuce was more exciting and joyful than it was nerve-racking, but still, her nerves were racked!

After the last couple of ice nuggets were distributed into the styrofoam cup, she swallowed her happy tears and shoved her free hand into her black hoodie while she made way back to the room Rob was occupying.

"You want it right now?" Mani cooed, bending down slightly to adjust the loose strands of hair that had fallen out of her best friend's messy bun. The woman in labor groaned low, opening her mouth for a piece of ice, Mani quickly washed her hands and returned back to the large bed to feed Rob a piece of ice.

Bey cradled her baby's mother from behind, fighting her sleep, but too anxious to miss anything to close her eyes.

"I'll feed them to her, Mani...." Bey softly interjected, thankful to find a distraction strong enough to erase any thoughts of sleep.

Being cordial only because of the boy they had in common, Mani asked, "are you sure?"

"Yeah, you haven't taken a seat since yesterday, let me take care of her."

Mani nodded, not fighting Deuce's other parent on the demand that was long overdue. Bey avoided eye contact, securing the cup of ice in her hands after sitting up to blink the thoughts of slumber away.

"How're you feeling, Rih?" Tina grabbed the girl she loved as a daughter by the hand, smiling at her enhanced features and overall pregnancy glow. She was more than sure her grandson was going to come out healthy and beautiful.

"Wishing I would've agreed to take the epidural," Robyn mumbled, grabbing Beyoncé's hand on her belly to silently signal for another piece of ice.

"You got this, Anna," Bey and Ronald, Rob's father, said simultaneously.

Robyn crack a small smile, groaning out in pain a minute after. Tina didn't have to question the sound, there was a look of bone crushing pain on Robyn's face—the older woman knew it was time for her grandbaby's arrival.

Monica smiled, standing up with her camera as soon as Tina left the room to fetch the nurse.

"Oh shit," Bey muttered when Robyn's nails dug into her palm. Pain skyrocketed through her left arm, but her son's birthday was definitely more important.

"Ahhh!!" Robyn grabbed onto the bed rail, squeezing her eyes as she took the indescribable pain below.

A team of scrub clad professionals bursted into the room, ready to aid the baby into his earthly arrival.

Raising the covers up and speaking in codes only doctors understood until it was time to guide Robyn, the doctor and nurses were merely as excited as the family was.

"Get up!" Mani softly pushed Chris, waking him from his light sleep. He rubbed his eyes and stood up, staying the appropriate distance in respect of Bey and Robyn's personal space.

"Okay, Mrs. Knowles," the doctor started, earning a small scoff from Mani. Robyn was too focused on the feeling of being split in half to correct the woman on her error.

"When I tell you to push, push! He's more ready than we are," the black lady noted, smiling at how fast Robyn had dialated. When she began to crown, she gently ordered Robyn to push.

"Ohhhh my- Bey!!" Robyn opened her eyes, bright green met muddy brown and Beyoncé nearly folded at the menacing glare Robyn shot her.

"C'mon, Anna....bring 'im home!" Monica clapped, and with two more pushes, sandy brown hair and a wail loud enough to wake the dead could be seen and heard.

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