Girl Next Door

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Northshore isn't a big town. If somebody moves out, hardly anyone will replace them. But today is different.

Janis's neighbours had moved out over two months ago, and she expected to be living next to the empty house until she moved out, but then a SOLD sign appeared. Curious to know her new neighbours, she peaked her head out the window, watching the new red ute pull into the driveway.

The driver was first to get out of the car. Just a man, around the same age as her father, she guessed. Then a lady, most likely the mystery man's wife. And then a girl, with orange locks and a smile Janis could pinpoint from her window. She was little, but not like a child, just short.

As they entered their new home, disappearing from her view, Janis threw herself into her bed. She was sketching some flowers when her sister, Maeve, knocked on the door and budged in with Janis inviting her in. "Dad's making you say hi to the new neighbours."

Janis set her drawing down carefully, getting off her bed begrudgingly. "Okay."

Her sister stared at her, and her eyes shone with the usual mischief smile. "The girl's your age."

"I said okay."

"Maybe you could da-"

"Maeve!" Janis snapped, her eyes suddenly turning bloodshot. "Don't you dare. Don't you dare. Never say that to me, got it? It's hard, you know? Now go text your fake boyfriend, happy?"

Maeve huffed and turned around, quickly whispering, "Janis and mystery girl, sitting in a tree-!"

"Maeve!" Janis screamed, whacking her on the back causing her younger sister to shut up and cough violently.

"Bit rough." She choked out, before leaving Janis alone.

As she trudged down the stairs and out into the garden, her mind thought about the possibilities with the girl. I mean, it might go as far as friends next door, nothing more of course. But when Janis met a girl, it was usual for her to imagine things. She never took it too far, just let her mind wander before getting bored.

"Oh, Janis!" Her father called, motioning for her to join her near the fence. It was a short one, enough for them to talk to their new accompanies on the other side. "Meet Mr and Mrs Heron, and Caddie."

Mr and Mrs Neron nodded their heads and smiled, not saying a word, probably just looking at the mess Janis was in front of them, her printed jacket, tacky stockings and dip dyed, half shaved hair.

She grimly smiled back, before turning her attention to Caddie.

"Uh, it's Cady." The orange haired girl smiled, slightly waving at her.

"I'm Janis." She returned the smile as she studied her face. She had a sharp jawline, incredibly bright blue eyes, small pink lips and tiny freckles dotting over her nose. She was cute, I suppose.

"Nice to meet you!" She was friendly too. Good start.

They all stood in silence for a moment, before Janis nudged her dad to start up a new conversation.

He coughed, and fiddled with his hands. He wasn't much of a talker, too but didn't want to leave his new neighbours with a bad impression. "So, where are you folks from?"

The couple's eyes lit up, meanwhile Cady rolled hers. "We're from Africa!" They spoke in unison.

Janis raised her eyebrow quizzically. They were... white. Not what she would expect for an African, at least.

They explained how they had worked there, and how Cady had lived there her whole life until they decided they needed to bring her to America.

"Damn, that's pretty cool!" Janis's dad spoke, smiling slightly. "We would be happy to have you three over sometime for dinner or something."

"That sounds lovely." Mrs Heron said, elbowing her daughter. "I'm sure Cady and Janis will be great friends."



Silence. "Nothing."

And then they were gone, back into their new home. Janis trudged her way back to her room, looking out her window again. She wasn't trying to stalk, of course, she was just curious to see their lifestyle.

Janis's window clearly faced what was Cady's room, because she could see the small girl speeding around, setting it up with various decorations, particularly African ornaments.

It had been several hours since the Heron's had officially moved in, and as Janis took another glance at Cady's room, she gasped and dropped her pencil.

Cady had a bi flag hung up above her bed.

And there she stood, right underneath it, smiling and waving at Janis.

Who mimicked her actions, the only thing different thing was the other coloured flag above Janis's head, in several shades of pink.

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