What's The Point Of Fighting, Anyways?

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Note: This is a little risky for me to write lmao it's just like a make out scene. OOP. If you don't really like that stuff, just skip this but nothing bad happens like... that kinda stuff-


Cady and Janis were having dinner when the argument began to take place. Every time they fought, it was always about the smallest things.

"I said, I want to be the one to take you out next time!" Cady huffed, blowing a strand of orange curls out of her face.

"No." Janis growled, staring at her food blankly. "When we go out, I drive, I pay. That's it, those are my rules."


"No, Cady. I've always wanted to do this." She sighed, and looked up at her girlfriend across the table. Janis took a deep breath and took in the site in front of her.

Gorgeous, ferocious, smart Cady Heron. Her Cady, the one with the sweet smile, the crystal blue eyes and the vibrant set of orange hair. The girl who could solve any math equation, the girls who could fix anyone's problems. The girl who loved Janis and wanted nothing more than for her to be happy, forever.

"I promised myself that if I got a girlfriend, ever, I would treat her like the queen she is." She continued to stare at Cady, smiling at her. She's was beautiful, there was no doubt.

But when she was cranky, it was ten times cuter. Her brow furrowed as her nose crinkled, her lips turned down but shinier than ever. The determined look in her eyes would make you melt and let her have anything...

But Janis was persistent, and didn't give up easily.

"What's the point of fighting, anyways?" Cady sighed. "I should be allowed to treat you as well. As much as I love you, I need this to be a fair relationship."

Janis loved when Cady talked with power. She wasn't going to give it to her, of course, but it was pretty fucking hot. Her gaze fell to the tight purple dress she was wearing, and she found that the world began to slow down.

"Jai? What's the point of fighting, anyways?" Cady repeated.

"Because it's hot."


"No, hot."

"Not hot, I said what."

"And I said hot."

"What's hot?"




Janis swept herself out of her chair and grabbed Cady in seconds, pushing her up against the wall. "I said, in case you missed it, you're hot." And she smashed her plum-coloured lips into hers.

The kiss was rough, and fast and passionate. The room was on the fire, the connection was electric and the girls was entangled in each other's arms. Nothing else mattered, just their moment together.

Janis was feeling rather confident that night, and she grabbed Cady's neck gently and with her other hand she slowly placed it on her chin, pushing downwards. Cady had no choice but to open her lips, which Janis took as the perfect time to get a bit frisky.

Before she knew what was happening, Cady realised Janis's tongue was in her mouth, deepening the kiss with power. She moaned, sending vibrations between the two. Their tongues fought for dominance, dancing together in perfect rhythm.

It did not stop there. With Cady's hand on her hips, Janis was able to easily move her to the couch where she pushed her down and began kissing her jawline, to her neck to her collarbone. Cady couldn't resist, she gave in with another moan.

Janis couldn't stop. She was on fire, sucking on her skin, leaving dark purple spots as a reminder of her work.

Cady pushed Janis back up to her, connecting their lips once more, and they sat up, Cady stalking onto her girlfriends lap.

Considering they both had tight dresses on, they certainly were able to move a lot more than expected. Carefully grinding on Janis, Cady played with her long hair, running her fingers on her scalp. In return, she received a moan from her, which sent her into a frenzy, begging to hear more.

They were slowing down, tired yet waiting for more. As their lips parted, Cady whispered in Janis's ear. "Let's fight more often, only if it ends with this."

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