- CHAPTER 12 - The enemies plan and a secret to be discovered.

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After a long night of celebration, the men and hobbits lay down to rest.
Gimli snores through the night keeping Pippin and Aragon from sleeping.
For me and Legolas, we stood out in the open, it was not often we rested, if we most desired we could switch it off, allowing us to stay awake for days..
Darkness surrounded us with the only light being the stars as we looked wearingly into the distance, talking amongst ourselves. 

"Do you miss her?" Legolas asked me politely

"Who?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows

"Your mother." He stated.

"How did you know I was thinking of her?" I ask quizzically

"I can sense it" he replies in a whisper "the energy withdrew from your body so suddenly" he added.

"Only broken memory" I reply softly " i do not remember much of her. I never saw a body or a tomb. There is nothing. My father never speaks of this, even when I ask him." I explained.

"How can you be sure that she has passed?" He replies, looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I had no reason to believe she wasn't" I said trailing off... "When I saw the pain my father was in. I took that as the sign."

Just then we hear a door open behind us and foot steps beginning to approach. When we are joined by Aragon who now stands by our side.
We continue to observe the sky when Legolas notices something.

"The stars are veiled" he whispers "something stirs in the east"

"A sleepless malice" I continue as I now notice too what he had found. "The eye of the enemy is moving" I add.
We all turn to look at each-other wondering what this could mean as I begin to feel this evil energy fill up inside of me..

"He is here.." I exclaim as we all begin to run back inside.
As we enter, Pippin has got both of his hands on the Palantir as he laid on the floor, quite clearly uncomfortable and in pain. It seemed like he was screaming but now words were coming out from within his mouth.
I rush toward him taking the Palantir from his hands, as I do so I am greeted by the great eye and within its pupil is my mother, she is sat in what looks like a dungeon. cold, weak and alone. She bore a white dress and a locket around her neck.
The great eye zooms into this, showing two portraits of me and Arwen of when we were younger. Sauron begins talking to me in black speech, whispering my name..
I feel the Palantir knocked from my hands as I automatically fall to the ground. Legolas grabs me before I could hit the floor, bringing me slowly back up to my feet.
The Palantir now rolls across the floor and Gandalf throws a blanket to cover it.

"Fool of a took" he exclaims as he marches over to where pippin lay in a pool of sweat, his complexion pale in fear.
Gandalf leans over him as he whispers a spell to bring Pippin out of his trance.
Pippin now begins to rapidly breathe.

"Gandalf forgive me" he whispers, still trying to catch his breath.

"Look at me" Gandalf replies, taking pippins head into his hands. "What did you see?" He asks.

"A tree..." pippin begins to say "there was a white tree and a courtyard of stone...it was dead. The city was burning".

"Minas Tirith, is that what you saw?" Gandalf questions as he begins to realise what pipping had seen.

"I saw him!" Pippin explains " I could hear his voice in my head".

"And what did you tell him?" Gandalf orders

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