- CHAPTER 17 - The fellowship meet again

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In another room, there Frodo laid quietly asleep, after a long hard journey that he did not think he would survive

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In another room, there Frodo laid quietly asleep, after a long hard journey that he did not think he would survive.
Before long, he begun to awake as he finds himself in a bright white room. His eyes take a moment to adjust to his surroundings when he finds Gandalf sitting at the foot of his bed.

Me and Legolas stand upon a bridge, surrounded by flowers blooming and enchanting trees. The sound of the river tricked beneath as we stood facing one another, hand in hand.

"We should go and greet Frodo" Legolas says as he brushes his hand against my cheek.

"Just a moment longer here with you" I reply softly, smiling up at him.

He puts his hands around my waist, pulling me slowly in towards him as we fall into a deep passionate kiss. I feel his hands run through my long thick hair that runs down the arch of my back, causing butterflies to swirl within my stomach. Even after all this time with him, it felt like every moment was happening again for the first time.
As we slowly pulled away, we pressed our foreheads against one another's, looking deeply into the others eyes.

"Come" he says, turning to the side, holding out his arm for me to walk with him.
I wrap it within mine as we make our way to Frodo's room.

When we arrive, all of the fellowship are there, standing next to Frodo's bedside, smiling at him as he reunites with Merry and pippin.
Frodo looks to us as we enter the door and he greets us with a beaming smile. We make our way over to Aragon who we now stand next to.

"The fellowship reunited once again" I say proudly as I look at everyone around me.
We all exchange smiles at one another in relief that this has all come to an end. We all stand as one, gathered together once more.

And thus it was, my quest that I set out to do, had ended.
I had returned with more than what I could of ever imagined and now it was time for me to start a journey of my very own.


Me and Legolas had happily begun our lives as we now are living in Mirkwood.
I had agreed to move here with him for he was a prince and had people of his own.
I was no longer needed in Rivendell as my people were preparing to depart these lands to the grey havens. There time on this Earth was complete.

I stand in the stables, brushing Hasufel who had also been our companion throughout our long journey. I simply could not let him stay behind, so i brought him here.
I prepare him with a saddle as Legolas now enters the room.

"We are ready to leave." He states as he watches me continue to prepare Hasufel.
I turn to look at him, as he wears his white elvish tunic and silver headwear.

"Of course, I'll be there in a moment" I reply softly as he begins to come toward me.

"You look beautiful" he whispers as he runs his eyes up and down my body. From my face, down to my gown.
I begin to blush slighty as he takes the reins from my hands, beginning to pull Hasufel along with him.

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