Chapter 3: She found out

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~WARNING!!! CUSSING IN CHAPTER!!! You've been warned~

~Melissa's POV~

"Chat?" I asked in Arctican on accident.

"What?" Adrien asked.

"Can I talk to you in private?" I asked this time in English.

"Sure," Adrien said. I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the living room.

"You're Chat Noir aren't you?" I asked and I saw the shock in his face.

"No. Who would think that?" Adrien asked.

"Ok," I said and took his hand with the ring on it. I slipped it off and placed it onto my finger.

"What are you doing?" Adrien asked.

"Plagg claws out," I said and transformed. Adrien looked at me in shock. 

"Claws in," I said and detransformed. I gave the ring back. Adrien slipped the ring back onto his finger.

"Let me ask this again, are you Chat Noir?" I asked.

"You got me, Melissa. I am Chat." Adrien said. His kwami floated behind him.

"How did you figure it out?" Adrien asked.

"Your voice and hair. It was easy to tell." I said and Lily and Scarlett talked to Plagg.

"How did you know my kwami's name and how to transform," Adrien asked. 

"My kwami told me his name and I heard you transformed and detransformed," I said. I explained everything about Erdas and how we got here.

"Oh. We better get back." Adrien said and we walked back upstairs into Marinette's room.

"Where were you guys?" My sister questioned.

"Talking downstairs. Adrien's Chat." I said the first part in English before saying the last part in Zhongnese. Meilin nodded.

"What's my dare?" Adrien asked.

"Kiss the person to your left," Conor said. Marinette was the girl to the left of him. 

"WHAT?" Marinette freaked out. 

"Oh just kiss," I said and walked over there and pushed their heads together. They kissed then broke apart red as a tomato.

"You'll thank me later!" I said and sat back down when Abeke woke up. 

"Abeke, Truth or Dare?" Adrien asked.

"Dare." She said and I whispered something into his ear. 

"I dare you to kiss Conor on the lips. If you take too long I'll make a french kiss." Adrien said.

"WHAT???? Were just friends!" Abeke yelled.

"Yeah!" Conor said.

"You got ten seconds before I make it a french kiss," Adrien said.

They were frozen solid. I groaned and picked Conor up like a small child and yeeted him into Abeke. Their lips met. 

"YES! MY SHIP IS CANON!!!!" I yelled. They broke apart and blushed hard.

"Let's d-do the project." Abeke stammered. The project was to sew a dress. We were deciding on colors and design.

"Light blue with an ombre of purple," I said and everyone nodded. 

"Alright, we'll get the fabric tomorrow!" I said. Adrien's phone dinged. 

"I have to go. See you tomorrow." Adrien said and walked out of the room. 

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