Chapter 6: Human kwamis go to school

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~Marinette's POV~

I woke up and turned to see Adrien's face close to mine. Adrien woke up and our eyes widen and I fell out of the bed and I was red as a tomato. 

"You ok M'lady?" Adrien asked me.

"I-I'm f-fine." I stammered and I heard laughing. 

"God your faces were priceless!" Lily laughed.

"I hate you guys," Adrien said. 

"Can't help myself, Adrien! That was so priceless! Good idea Plagg!" Melissa said to a boy with black hair.

"Yeah! Being human is fun!" Plagg said and high fived Melissa. 

"Well, you better stop playing kissy face and get the hell up! Were going to be late for school!" Abeke yelled. 

"S**t!" I yelled and ran to get my stuff. I put my bag on my shoulder and ran out the front door. I swore I was red as Tikki. I sprinted to school and made it. Tikki and the other human kwamis arrived. 

"Let's go," I said and walked in. 

~Plagg's POV~

Marinette walked in but all of us were stopped by that rude girl Chole. Tikki stepped in front of me.

"Can you move? If you want me to burn you like my friend Melissa I gladly will." Tikki said proudly. 

"Just so you people know, you aren't getting Adrien from me." Chole sneered.

"I'm asexual. I like Adrien as a friend nothing more." I said.

"Same here." The others said and Tikki shoved Chole out of the way and walked in. We walked into the class and Mrs. Bustier noticed us. 

"Welcome new students! What are your names?" Mrs. Bustier said.

"Name's Plagg Destruction," I said and bowed to her. I was letting a bit of Chat Noir out. 

"I'm Uraza Edras. I am a skilled archer and I love hunting." Uraza said.

"I'm Briggan Wolf.  Just like Uraza, I love hunting. Try it sometime." Briggan said and winked. I heard almost all the girls giggle.

"I'm Tikki Kwami. I love art and sweets." Tikki said and I blushed at her. Chole laughed at her. I swore I saw Essix do the most threatening glare at Chole and Chole stopped laughing and gulped

"Nice to meet you. What about those four? What are your names?" Mrs. Bustier turned to Jhi, Lily, Essix, and Dutch. 

"I'm Jhi Zhong. I hope we can be friends!" Jhi said and Chole whisper something into Lila's ear and they laughed. 

"Name's Essix Falcon. You bully me or Jhi I'll hunt you down." Essix said in the most threatening tone to Lila and Chole. They both gulped.

"I'm Scarlett Arctica and that's my sister Lily," Scarlett said.

"I'm Dutch Trunswick and same here. You bully Essix, I burn you." Dutch said. 

"You're Devin's brother?" Mrs. Bustier asked and Dutch shook his head.

"He's my cousin," Dutch said. 

"Go find a seat." Mrs. Bustier said and we went and took a seat. Essix and Dutch sat next to each other, Jhi and Lily were together, Scarlett, Uraza, and Briggan sat next to each other, and I sat next to Tikki.

~40 mins later~

YES! LUNCH! I love lunch. I stood in line to get my food and Lila came up to me.

"Hey, cutie," Lila said and I f**king prayed the line would go faster.

"What do you want. And no I would not like to go out with you or get your number. So good day" I said and walked to the cashier. Lily was next to me and slipped a piece of gold into my hand.

"What's this?" I asked and Lily put her's onto the table.

"Keep the change," Lily said and just flat out ignored me. 

"That will be $5, sir." The cashier said. She had orange faded to white hair and orange and white clothes.

"Trixx?"  I asked.

"I'm sorry sir who?" The cashier asked. I put the gold onto the table.

"Keep the change," I said and picked up my tray walked to where the other seven kwami's were. I placed my tray down and was about to eat where Chole tripped Tikki. 

I got up and ran to her and caught her before Tikki hit the ground. I could see a tint of red on her face. I think I had red on my face too. I let her go and picked her tray up. No food was on the floor thank god.

"YES! MY SHIP!" I heard Lily yell. Everyone at that table giggled at started planning weddings and names of our kids. I gave Tikki her tray and we both walked over to the table that was planning our burial ceremony for the future.  Chole stomped over to Adrien.

"Adrikins. Let's go over there where none of the losers are." Chole said and twisted her hair with a finger.

"No. I rather stay with my girlfriend." Adrien said and put an arm around Marinette's shoulder. I saw Marinette turn as white as Lily. I heard Alya, Nino, and Alix fangirl over that.

"G-g-girlfriend? Oh my god." Marinette stammered. Adrien kissed Marinette's cheek and I think Mari died at that moment and came back to life a few seconds later. Chole stomped over to our table and looked she was about to scream were expelled.

"I'M HAVING DADDY EXPLELL YOU FROM PARIS AND THIS SCHOOL!!!" Chole screamed and everyone looked at us.

"You can't do that. Stop acting like you own the world Chole. It's not yours to take. And you can't make your dad do whatever you want. Stop acting like you own him!" Tikki said and Chole had steam flow out of her ears and nose. She looked like she was going to slap Tikki. 

'Ummm no honey boo boo shove off. F**k off girl.' I thought and grabbed her wrist. Chole pushed me but she wasn't strong enough to make me fall back and be hurt. 

"Who are you? Her boyfriend?" Chole teased. She did not just say that. Chole was about to punch Tikki with her free hand and I saw a hand stop her fist. 

I looked to see Lily stopping her fist. Lily was the most pissed I had ever seen her. I let go of Chole's wrist the two girls circled each other like vultures. Chole punched Lily but Lily easily caught her fist and twisted her arm. I swore I think Lily broke it. She didn't thank god. Lily threw Chole over her shoulder backflipped and landed onto Chole's stomach. 

"Bully any of my friends again, I'll personly make you go to hell," Lily growled and got off of Chole and sat back down. I saw Chole turn pale and run away. I looked at the still pissed off Lily. 

"Sorry about that. I'm like an overprotective mom." Lily said. 

"It's fine. I actually like your motherly side. Scary." I said.

~End of Chapter 6~

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