SFW ABC'S - Todoroki

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A= Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show Affection?)

Shoto trys to be affectionate but he doesn't really know how too. He says he loves you and gives you hugs and kisses but that's about all he knows how do. Complimenting his hard for him

B= Bonding ( Do they like your family? Do you like there family?)

Shoto absolutely loves your family because of how much he disliked his father. He always wants to go to your house when deciding who's place to go too. You also like his family his siblings are fun to talk too and your starting to get more comfortable with endeavour since he being gud boi.

C= Cuddles ( Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

He likes cuddling but you usually have to start it because he doesn't know the right time. He loves holding you in in one arm with you on his chest.

D= Domestic ( Do they want to settle down? How are hey at cooking and cleaning?)

Shoto has never really thought of setting down before because he's been so focused on is father and his past he does want to settle down now tho. And he's okay at cleaning and cooking it would probably be a team effort to make food.

E= Ending ( If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)


F= Fiance(e) ( How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

He is very committed to your relationship and always wants to be by your side. Probably a couple years after becoming a pro hero so he has time to settle down

G= Gentle ( How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)

He's very gentle with you and is always nice to you. Sometimes he unintentionally insults you without knowing but he always apologizes. Sometimes over heats or makes you cold you when sleep depending what side your on

H= Hugs ( Do they like Hugs? how often do they do it? What are there hugs like?)

He loves hugs although he doesn't really do it infront of people cause he's kinda embarrassed but always hugging you when your alone. He likes giving you back hugs.

I= I Love You ( How fast do they say the L-word?)

He says it after a couple weeks

J= Jealousy ( How Jealous do they get? What do they do when there jealous?)

He does get jealous but it's nothing to serious. He just glares at the person and try to get you to leave. But if the person is clearly flirting he'll tell them to back off and take you away

K= Kisses ( Do they like kissing? How often do they do it? What are there kisses like?)

He enjoys kissing but not as much as just simple hugs. He kisses you every morning and every night just simply leaning/turning over and kissing you

L= Little Ones ( How are they around children?)

He has no clue how to take care of kids but kids seem to just be generally interested in him (especially the girls) When it comes to parenting he would probably read a shit ton of parenting books

M= Mornings ( How are mornings spent with them?)

He gets up bright and early and gets dressed and maybe does some small workouts waiting for you to wake up. Once you wake up he kisses you then picks you up and places you on the ground to get ready

N= Nights ( How are nights spent with them?)

You guys cuddle in mostly silence while your both doing your own thing and then when it's time to sleep he kisses you goodnight and holds you

O= Open ( When would they start to reveal things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things?)

He would probably wait a bit to tell you about him self because is past is painful and it's kinda hard for him to talk about. He would start to eventually talk about stuff with you tho

P= Patience ( How easily angered do they get?)

He doesn't get that angry he only gets mad when your in danger or someone is really bothering you other then that he's chill

Q= Quizzes ( How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kinda  forget everything?)

I feel he would remember lot's of simple things about you but forget specific things that you tell him. You got to admit tho he has a lot going on in that head of his

R= Remember ( What is there favorite moment in your relationship?)

Probably when you supported him when his dad was fighting that Nomu. He really appreciated you just being there calming him down

S= Security ( How protective are they of you? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)

He let's you do what you want and doesn't mind you talking to other people but if he can tell your uncomfortable or in danger he'll step in and help you. He doesn't mind you protecting him but he much rather it be him protecting you or working together.

T= Try ( How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)

He's rich so he can spend a lot of money on things. Every date etc it's usually some really expensive place.

U= Ugly (What are some bad habits of there's?)

He over thinks everything ( Secret love child????)

V= Vanity ( How concerned are they with there looks?)

He was raised to look presentable in front of others so that's just what he's used to, but he does try to look extra good for you

W= Whole ( Would they fell incomplete without you?)

He would feel very incomplete because your the first person besides his family to know the true struggle he went through as a kid

X= Xtra ( Random headcanon for them?)

I feel like Shoto make weird podcasts just for himself about things he's thought of and theory's he has

Y= Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, ethier in general or in a partner?)

Some one who looks down on them self or people who are super up beat

(He just seem like the person to enjoy up beat people)

Z= Zzz ( What is a sleep habit of there's)

He sleeps still and doesn't make any sounds sometimes your concerned whether he's ded or nah, you know he's alive because you can't move his grip is to strong on you

A/n: Thanks for 43k ÙwÚ

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