SFW ABC'S - Midoriya

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A/n: Should I do the NSFW ones too?

A= Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show Affection?)

Izuku is pretty good at expressing his affection towards you. He tells you he love's you everyday and is constantly complimenting you. He also shows his affection physically with hugs, kisses, cuddles etc.

B= Bonding ( Do they like your family? Do you like there family?)

Izuku absolutely loves your family because your family are also very into heros and are crazy fanatics like him

You also love his mom, you find her very kind and welcoming. She also makes really good food.

C= Cuddles ( Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

At first Izuku was quite nervous to even hold hands but as the relationship went on he became more comfortable and he loves cuddles. You lay on his chest and he has his arm around you. You guys watch movies and sleep like this.

D= Domestic ( Do they want to settle down? How are hey at cooking and cleaning?)

Izuku has always thought of marrying someone, he's happy it's you. Izuku isn't a very experienced cook and can only make simple meals but he can clean well.

E= Ending ( If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)

A/n: I'm just not going to do this one because I don't know how to go about angust. Srry

F= Fiance(e) ( How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

You guys would probably be married a couple years after marry

G= Gentle ( How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)

Izuku is always very cautious around you because he never wants to say the wrong thing or accidentally hurt you in anyway.

H= Hugs ( Do they like Hugs? how often do they do it? What are there hugs like?)

Izuku loves hugs every moment of it, he hugs you everyday at random times. He likes hugging you so that he can kiss your forehead.

I= I Love You ( How fast do they say the L-word?)

After about a week of dating

J= Jealousy ( How Jealous do they get? What do they do when there jealous?)

He does get jealous but not enough to cause a scene and he also understands if people are just asking questions etc

K= Kisses ( Do they like kissing? How often do they do it? What are there kisses like?)

Izuku for the most part likes kissing and you guys kiss often he just gets nervous when it gets a little more heated. Izuku has really soft lips and he likes to squeeze you cheeks

L= Little Ones ( How are they around children?)

Izuku really likes kids and is always playing with them and cheering them up if there sad

M= Mornings ( How are mornings spent with them?)

He's always up before you, he kinda just chills on his phone for awhile then wakes you up with a soft voice and kisses

N= Nights ( How are nights spent with them?)

Cuddles, kisses and movies and on occasion some spicy if you know what I mean

O= Open ( When would they start to reveal things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things?)

Izuku is always open about what he's feeling and about his like, he does try to wait a bit and take it slow giving you information because he doesn't want you to worry about him

P= Patience ( How easily angered do they get?)

Izuku is very patient and doesn't really get angry. He always has time for you

Q= Quizzes ( How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kinda  forget everything?)

He has a pretty good memory and know a lot of small details about you he does tend to forget small little details like your favorite stuffed animal etc

R= Remember ( What is there favorite moment in your relationship?)

Probably your first date he was so nervous at the movies with you but he also had a really great time talking to you and he was extra happy because you held hands during the movie and you kissed him on the cheek

S= Security ( How protective are they of you? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)

It depends on the situation if your talking to kids at school he's pretty chill and respects who you want to talk to, but fighting villains he would do anything to make sure you don't get hurt. He doesn't want you to get hurt so he's fine with you not protecting him and just giving him emotional support

T= Try ( How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)

He puts in 100 percent effort in everything he does so anything for you he trys extra hard to make sure you love it

U= Ugly (What are some bad habits of there's?)

He kinda zones out when talking and keeps going on and on, you have to wave infront of his face to get him back to his senses

V= Vanity ( How concerned are they with there looks?)

He trys to look as good as possible for you but it's kinda hard to keep his fluffy hair undercontrol

W= Whole ( Would they feel incomplete without you?)

He would be really depressed and wouldn't be motivated to do anything

X= Xtra ( Random headcanon for them?)

He sometimes reads you stories before you both go to bed

Y= Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, ethier in general or in a partner?)

He doesn't like people who look down on others or themselves because it reminds him of his past

Z= Zzz ( What is a sleep habit of there's)

He mumbles in his sleep, and moves a bit but he's always holding on to you no matter what

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