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A= Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show Affection?)

How do I put it… I guess that he's affectionate in his own way. He'll be affectionate physically basically anywhere but verbally not so much, he doesn't really compliment you or say he love's you especially if people are around but he does tease you alot but in a cute way

B= Bonding ( Do they like your family? Do you like there family?)

Y'all villains I don't think you would talk to your family :/
(If only Dabi was a nice todoroki ;-;)

C= Cuddles ( Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

He isn't much of a cuddler to be honest but if you sit and beg he will eventually cave in and cuddle you. You just lay on him (stomach to stomach) or lay on top of his arm with your head on his chest

D= Domestic ( Do they want to settle down? How are hey at cooking and cleaning?)

He never thought about settling down and he still doesn't think it's mandatory like if you suggested he would agree but if you didn't say anything he wouldn't mind either. Boi doesn't give a damn about cleaning and I would imagine he does know how to cook he just choose to eat simple quick meals

E= Ending ( If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)


F= Fiance(e) ( How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

He is committed to you because since he's found you he doesn't need anyone else you make him happy so he's not going anywhere. Doesn't really care when ever you want too

G= Gentle ( How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)

I wouldn't say he's gentle but he doesn't hurt you. Like he's rough with you, pulling you place, holding your hand etc but he never means to hurt you and if he does he's sorry. I feel like you playfully bully eachother so eh never means to hurt u tho

H= Hugs ( Do they like Hugs? how often do they do it? What are there hugs like?)

He doesn't mind hugging and won't usually hug you unless you ask and he has no problem doing in front of people. He's hugs are just simple normal hugs

I= I Love You ( How fast do they say the L-word?)

A bit after you start saying it

J= Jealousy ( How Jealous do they get? What do they do when there jealous?)

He does get jealous to the point of committing die but if it's a league member he just yells and threats them and leaves with you

K= Kisses ( Do they like kissing? How often do they do it? What are there kisses like?)

Loves kissing especially making out, this burnt chicken nugget loves it so much that he'll just randomly come and start a make out session infront or not infront of people he doesn't care. Hot and rough kisses lots of tongue

L= Little Ones ( How are they around children?)

You wouldn't want him around kids he'd just scar the shit out of them and get mad if they cry. His own kids tho he'd be a chill dad who wouldn't care what his kids are doing, he'd be like: um don't die and be back in 2 days max… be safe love you🤟

M= Mornings ( How are mornings spent with them?)

You guys just get up at random times or when Shiggy tells you to wake up you both take a sec to wake up kiss eachother then get ready

N= Nights ( How are nights spent with them?)

18+ then sleep

O= Open ( When would they start to reveal things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things?)

It would be a really long time before he starts talking, it would probably be a year or so before he even tells you his real name. He wouldn't reveal it all in one it would kinda just be randomly

P= Patience ( How easily angered do they get?)

He gets pissed hella fast he does have alot of patience with you but with anyone else he's about to blow

Q= Quizzes ( How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kinda  forget everything?)

He remembers most things you tell him but if there not that important then he'll usually forget but he remembers the important stuff

R= Remember ( What is there favorite moment in your relationship?)

Anytime your out at night just going around ending lifus, he loves the face you make when you kill someone or watch him

S= Security ( How protective are they of you? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)

Boy doesn't let anyone touch you he does make exceptions to your brother and sometimes toga but anyone else is a no-no. He doesn't want you to protect him but he wants to work with you and do it together

T= Try ( How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)

You guys can't really go out anywhere because well your villains but he does try to plan/get something nice but it's hard because of your jobs

U= Ugly (What are some bad habits of there's?)

He just disappears for a few days and comes back like he was never even gone and it bothers you because you don't know where he is

V= Vanity ( How concerned are they with there looks?)

Doesn't give one shit as long as his scars aren't opening he doesn't care

W= Whole ( Would they fell incomplete without you?)

Yes he would since he's said stuff about himself to you and he would just feel generally down your not with him

X= Xtra ( Random headcanon for them?)

Scar face here is a master chef but never cooks, he's only cooked for you like once and you loved it but he won't cook

Y= Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, ethier in general or in a partner?)

People who love heros (especially Endeavour) and heros (again especially Endeavour)

Z= Zzz ( What is a sleep habit of there's)

You go to sleep not in eachother's arms (usually) but somewhere in the night he ends up hugging you or you end up laying on his chest

Thx for 70k I would have never imagined this when I started writing this ÙwÚ

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