When They Switch Bodys With Mineta

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Requested by @ShreeyaPraveen and @Nikki_WATTPQD sorry if you suggested it and I missed your name

Also like srry if these suck it was hard to come up with different situations

Word Count: 1337


It was the weekend and usually Izuku would let you sleeping but today he was shaking you awake and had very weird face

You- Mhmmmm what do you *Yawns* want

"Midoriya"- you baby

You- um are you okay?

"Midoriya"- heh heh yeah please show me your beautiful breasts

You- *wide eyed and blushing* uh um I-Izuku it's still morning you always wait till night to say stuff like this

"Midoriya"- *Mumbles* with a girl as hot as her why isn't he asking all the time

You- uh um what was dat

Then boom All Might knock down your door

All Might- Mineta my boy what do you think your doing taking advantage of being in young Midoriya's body like that

Mineta- I um well yuhhhhh um

All Might- You know that's not very plus ultra

You- okay somebody please explain to me what's happening

All Might explained that they got hit by a quirk on accident that made them switch body's for a day, you were glad everything got cleared up before Mineta tried anything


When you woke up this morning your boyfriend wasn't there you got scared but saw his uniform form was gone and just assumed he left for school already. When you walked in to class he wasn't there then someone came and hugged you from behind

You- oh hey babe what's up

"Bakugo"- nothing I just couldn't wait to see my sexy mamma

You- um okay... your acting kinda weird today

"Mineta"- Hey get the fuck off her

You- what do you want you little shit

"Bakugo"- Yeah *grins at him and rubs a little closer to you*

"Mineta"- Shit *sighs* I needa talk to you Y/n

You- Goddamnit fine after school we can have a little chat but if you try anything your dead

Class was pretty normal but you could feel your "boyfriend" staring holes into the back of your head and you still felt a little off about him

After class your "boyfriend" ran up to you and grabbed your chest and asked you if you wanted to do it "Mineta looked like he was gonna kill something and you slapped him in the face

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