What Sport You Play

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If you don't play/do the sport cool just my opinion of stuff I think they would enjoy watching you play/do UwU and if u say heck exercise nice I wish I didn't have to swim competitively 🙃


Swimming (I do it all the time hate competitions though but lifeguarding is fun)

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(I do it all the time hate competitions though but lifeguarding is fun)

Likes how hard you try in competitions (ha don't at mine) and loves cheering for you. Also likes the fact that he doesn't have to worry about you drowning


Volleyball (I Occasionally play it with family and friends)

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(I Occasionally play it with family and friends)

Likes to play against you his mother taught him all he knows (she actually does like volleyball) and he just enjoys seeing you play, gets some nice views 😏


Basketball (I suck at basketball -_- my dad is disappointed by that)

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(I suck at basketball -_- my dad is disappointed by that)

Since his dad was like "fuck sports train bitch" he was never able to play anything so he enjoys watching you and learning how to play from you


Baseball (I Sometimes play with my family)

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(I Sometimes play with my family)

Thinks it's bad ass, he loves seeing how focused you get during a game and like that you know how to catch. You play catch in fields together cause of dat


Cheerleading (Nope I can't do shit)

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(Nope I can't do shit)

Your boy loves cheerleaders as you know already. Loves the view and honestly thinks it's cool how you do all the flips


Ballet(I Did it when I was little)

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(I Did it when I was little)

He loves the way your body moves so fluently with the music and how it tells a story. He goes to as many practices as he can just to see you have fun spinning and hopping around


Karate(I did it for a couple years)

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(I did it for a couple years)

Likes that you can defend yourself. Kinda feels weird tho because he's tried to fight you without quirks and always loses and it makes him mad,proud and sad at the same time


Soccer(I suck at dis)

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(I suck at dis)

He likes soccer because he doesn't have to use his hands, but he sometimes doesn't want to play with you cause you always school his ass

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