SFW ABC'S- Tamaki

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A= Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show Affection?)

Tamaki really wants to be affectionate but he's just too shyyy. If it's just you two alone then he feels more comfortable to show affection but if there is anyone around it's a big no-no. He likes complimenting you and giving you hugs

B= Bonding ( Do they like your family? Do you like there family?)

This cutie loves your family because they raised such a nice girl as yourself, he also feels comfortable with them. You love his family too they gave you the cutest, nicest person you've ever meet

C= Cuddles ( Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

He loves to cuddle just it's hard for him to ask to cuddle so he usually just waits for you to ask. He likes it when you face him and you both sit and hug eachother

D= Domestic ( Do they want to settle down? How are hey at cooking and cleaning?)

He did want to settle down he just didn't know if he would ever have a girlfriend because he's so shy but he has you ÙwÚ. This boi is a pretty good house wife, good at cooking and cleaning

E= Ending ( If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)


F= Fiance(e) ( How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

Since you we're his first relationship (probably) and the first person he really likes, he never wants you to leave him and is fully committed to you and only you. Couple years of dating and once he has settled in to being a pro heri

G= Gentle ( How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)

Most precious boy in the world. He could never say anything mean to you or hurt you in anyway. The only way he's hurting you is you accidentally cutting yourself on a rose he made from his hand and if that's the case he begs for your forgiveness even though your not mad

H= Hugs ( Do they like Hugs? how often do they do it? What are there hugs like?)

Loves hugs so very much. He wants to hug you more often but is too embarrassed to do it infront of others, if you hug him infront of people he practically dies. He just likes simple hugs with nothing to special with them

I= I Love You ( How fast do they say the L-word?)

You have to say it first an then he'll start saying it

J= Jealousy ( How Jealous do they get? What do they do when there jealous?)

He does get jealous but he respects you and doesn't interfere he just keeps an eye on you and afterwards sulks on your shoulder about how he was jealous. If he can see your uncomfortable he will step in and try to get you away being polite to the other person not wanting to start a conflict.

K= Kisses ( Do they like kissing? How often do they do it? What are there kisses like?)

He enjoys kissing he's just very embarrassed by them so he doesn't start it you have to kiss him first. His kisses are super soft

L= Little Ones ( How are they around children?)

Amajiki is pretty good with kids just a big group of them he gets overwhelmed but just a small group he's fine and kids love him. With his own kids he would be a good dad who's super nice and supportive

M= Mornings ( How are mornings spent with them?)

This bby ball of sunshine wakes you up with the sweetest voice and a kiss, then you cuddle for a couple minutes then get ready for your day

N= Nights ( How are nights spent with them?)

You both get into you PJ's and snuggle up under the covers together then you watch a movie or some anime then get a good long night of rest

O= Open ( When would they start to reveal things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things?)

He would probably wait till you start saying stuff about yourself then he'd start talking. It depends on how he's feeling but he would probably just sprinkle it in unless he's sad or you are having a deep conversation when he'll say alot at once

P= Patience ( How easily angered do they get?)

Very calm boy who doesn't get angry because conflicts are a no-no

Q= Quizzes ( How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kinda  forget everything?)

Bby remembers everything not forgetting a single thing. Tbh he's kinda to scared to mess anything up so much that it drives him to remember

R= Remember ( What is there favorite moment in your relationship?)

Just cuddling in bed with you is one of his favorite things and especially if you fall asleep in his arms he just thinks your so super cute and wants to stay like that forever

S= Security ( How protective are they of you? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)

He is very protective he wants to be there for you even if it means he has to raise his voice at someone or take a hit in a fight as long as your safe he's going to be fine. He never wants you to protect him in a physical situation but he does want you to be here and back him up in a verbal fight

T= Try ( How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)

He trys so hard it's not even funny, for example he'll stay up all night planning a date to make sure everything goes perfectly because he wants you to always be happy and proud of him

U= Ugly (What are some bad habits of there's?)

He doubts himself way to much

V= Vanity ( How concerned are they with there looks?)

He's pretty concerned because he doesn't want to stand out in anyway so he always just trys to fit in so people won't notice him

W= Whole ( Would they fell incomplete without you?)

Bby would fall of the edge and be very very depressed 😣

X= Xtra ( Random headcanon for them?)

He will eat and take petals of flowers so that he can make you flowers on his hand and give them to you

Y= Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, ethier in general or in a partner?)

People who bully/judge others

Z= Zzz ( What is a sleep habit of there's)

He's kinda nervous to touch you in his sleep just incase he touches you somewhere uh um 🤔 inappropriate by accident so he usually little spoon while sleeping. Other then that he sometimes turns around to hug you in his sleep but just sleeps quietly and without much movement

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