SFW ABC'S- Kirishima

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A= Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show Affection?)

Ejiro is very affectionate he loves telling you he love's you and complimenting you. He hugs you all the time no matter where or the situation

B= Bonding ( Do they like your family? Do you like there family?)

Boi loves your family and everything about them. He especially loves your siblings even though there younger. You like his family because they are just as nice as Ejiro

C= Cuddles ( Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

He absolutely loves cuddling with you if he could he would do it all day but he can't ;-;. He loves either snuggling his head in you chest or resting it above your head

D= Domestic ( Do they want to settle down? How are hey at cooking and cleaning?)

He's always thought of settling down with someone and when he started developing feeling for you he new it would be you. He's not the greatest at cleaning or cooking he can make supper simple meals but he prefers just making instant raman

E= Ending ( If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)


F= Fiance(e) ( How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

He is very committed to you but he does like to spend time with the boys and doesn't mind if your there. He'd probably wait a couple years to get married but he's fully committed to you UwU

G= Gentle ( How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)

He is one of the most gentle people you know like he would rather die then hurt you in anyway. ( That's the manly way). If he does hurt you physically or emotionally it's an accident and he feels so bad about it he's basically depressed

H= Hugs ( Do they like Hugs? how often do they do it? What are there hugs like?)

This boy loves hugs not as much as cuddling but very close. He loves Hugging you because of how much smaller you are then him and just thinks u a bean that he needs to cherish.

I= I Love You ( How fast do they say the L-word?)

He said pretty fast like a couple days after dating

J= Jealousy ( How Jealous do they get? What do they do when there jealous?)

Yes he does get jealous but doesn't show it because he doesn't want to get into fights with people (Such manly) But if he can see your uncomfortable he will get you out of there and maybe say something to the person

K= Kisses ( Do they like kissing? How often do they do it? What are there kisses like?)

He enjoys kissing u but his favorite is still cuddling u. He often kisses you when your alone because he doesn't want to make people uncomfortable or Mineta to be Mineta

L= Little Ones ( How are they around children?)

He loves kids and he's really good with them. Like you'd want him as a babysitter. With his own kids he would be the best dad supportive, caring and a good example.

M= Mornings ( How are mornings spent with them?)

He surprisingly wakes up before you. He gets up works out a bit, takes a shower then wakes you up. Sometimes he even brings you breakfast in bed like the sweetheart he is.

N= Nights ( How are nights spent with them?)

You both work out for a bit ( he goes a bit longer then you, MANLY *Echo* *Echo* *Echo*) Then you guys eat food together and watch funny animal videos or anime.

O= Open ( When would they start to reveal things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things?)

He's a pretty open person I feel so he would probably tell you about himself pretty fast in the relationship. He would probably sit you down and have a deep conversation with you about himself.

P= Patience ( How easily angered do they get?)

Very patient boi only gets angry when people he care's about are in danger

Q= Quizzes ( How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kinda  forget everything?)

Boi is an A+ boyfriend so he wouldn't forget much. He would know all you preferences and things you don't like. Only forgets irrelevant things

R= Remember ( What is there favorite moment in your relationship?)

Whenever you both work out, he loves how you make jokes and laugh while working out he also just likes how you look with sweat dripping down your face, thinks it's hawt

S= Security ( How protective are they of you? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)

He is protective of you but he respects you and your friends so even if he wants to go out with you and your friends to protect you he won't make a fuss ( he also has da squad to chill with so he won't be bored) He does like when you protect him but he would much rather have you be safe

T= Try ( How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)

He puts in alot of effort l. He wants to make you feel like a queen so needs everything to perfect for you, sometimes it doesn't go as planned and feels bad that he messed up but you always think it's fine since he put so much effort

U= Ugly (What are some bad habits of there's?)

Ummmmmmmmm, there really isn't much wrong with him. Um maybe too manly um to friendly idrk

V= Vanity ( How concerned are they with there looks?)

He's kinda cares about his looks. He doesn't really care what he's wearing but he cares alot about his hair and making sure it stays red

W= Whole ( Would they fell incomplete without you?)

Yup, he'd be a depresso espresso

X= Xtra ( Random headcanon for them?)

I feel like he might be good at drawing things, like it's one of his side hobbies that not alot of people know about.

Y= Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, ethier in general or in a partner?)

People who don't believe in other people

Z= Zzz ( What is a sleep habit of there's)

He drools in his sleep and maybe a bit of talking but he doesn't move to much.

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