Thank You, Master

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Disclaimer: I DON'T own any of the characters or the art in this story. All belong to their respective creators. This is merely a love letter to both Dragon Ball and My Hero Academia. With that out of the way let the story begin.

...wha...what's happening?...
[Complete darkness obstructs your vision but sounds of a battle can be heard. A thick smoke is filling your lungs making it hard to breathe along with a scorching heat beyond compare.]

...Is...this a dream?'s the same damn nightmare.

[a bright light breaks through the darkness as you see a pair of figures who look like they are pushing back the light]

...GOOO!!! Get Dakon out of here!
[you then feel as though you are being picked up and carried away as you see a final glimpse of the two figures being blown away as if they were nothing more than ashes in the wind]

[you try to call out while you also feel yourself reach out and try to grab them as a world shattering explosion can be felt and heard shaking you awake]

Dakon: Ahhhhh!!!
[Dakon wakes up to find himself in his room alone and in utter silence aside from his own erratic breathing]

Dakon: Damnit it's that same stupid nightmare again. What the hell is wrong with me?

[Dakon perks up as he hears someone coming and opening his door]

???: Hey, you ok Dakon?

Dakon: Yeah, it was just a nightmare. Sorry for waking you Master Krillin I'll be ok.

Krillin:(thoughts) He is anything else but ok

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Krillin:(thoughts) He is anything else but ok. He looks as though he's about to keel over.) (out loud) You know no matter how many times you say that doesn't make it true right?

Dakon: (looking down at his own sprawled out legs) I know...I just can't get this nightmare out of my head. What's weird is that it is starting to feel more real. Almost like it isn't a dream but more like... a memory? I don't know this is so frustrating!

[Dakon pounds his fist smashing the alarm clock next to him]

Dakon: (under his breath) Damn, not again.

[as Dakon reaches for the cubby with one of the spares he keeps under there Krillin beats him to it and hands him the clock]

Krillin: You know dreams, visions, memories can all haunt a person but only if you let them. You've got to be strong enough to let those things go and not dwell on them. So, I think you'll be fine in that regard kid.

Dakon: Thanks master you're right as always.
[Krillin nods and grins as he pats Dakon on the head and goes to the door]

Krillin: Get some sleep Dakon you've got a big day tomorrow moving to the big city.

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