Emergency Exit

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...Dakon...wake up...they're coming for you... Dakon...Dakon!

???: Dakon!!

Dakon: Ah!!(waking up to an elderly woman poking him repeatedly) I'm up! I'm up!

Recovery Girl: Phew...your vitals were spiking for a second there. I was worried about you sonny.

Dakon: (exhale) Well I'm fine now...wait what happened? Where am I? Who are you? What...(taking a look around to see himself in the school infirmary.)

Recovery Girl: I'm recovery girl the school nurse

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Recovery Girl: I'm recovery girl the school nurse. You took a pretty bad hit from that Bakugo boy. You were severely burned from the back of the neck to your mid thighs. That was very reckless what you did young man. Throwing yourself into harms way like that.

Dakon: (Remebering the training match) I

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Dakon: (Remebering the training match) I...I had to. My friend was in trouble.

Recovery Girl: Hmm I thought you'd say that. (Sigh) You remind me of another boy I once knew with the same foolish thinking that landed him right where you are sitting.

Dakon: Sorry...

Recovery Girl: Forget it and don't worry about your friend he's fine. He left here not too long before you woke up.

Dakon: Oh ok thanks. I take it you had something to do with that.

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