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[Amidst a large cluster of debris lies a planet scarred and broken that appears to have been blown half to hell. It is there on the planets shadowy surface a structure can be seen. Standing imposingly amongst the jagged rock formations the giant structure looms over the landscape. Upon looking it over a bright flash of light blasts out from within casting the dark world into temporary light.]

[Inside the structure the unknown figure from before, that was inside the tank with many wires and fluids running to it, begins to stir

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[Inside the structure the unknown figure from before, that was inside the tank with many wires and fluids running to it, begins to stir.]

???: (floating in the tank with a respirator the figures' body may be at rest but their mind is not.) Hmm, so they failed in killing the Saiyan and not only that but they also seem to have awoken the latent power within him. I suppose I shouldn't have expected anything less from the son of the Saiyan Goku. Erggg, it looks like the boy has his father's tenacity. Hmph, no matter. I will just have to employ more...severe..means to take care of the child. Although...I am curious to see just how powerful this boy truly is. At least for the sake of testing my own strength. Heheh it looks like you've rubbed off on me somewhat Son Goku. Don't worry though...(smiling sinisterly)I'll be sure to give the boy the fight of his life. I'm sure you'll appreciate that. It's the least I could do in order to repay the disgrace you dealt me in our last battle.

[As the figure continues to think to themself an attendant walks in. Reaching out mentally the figure instructs the attendant.]

???: You there. I have a job for you.

Attendant: U-Uh y-yes my Lord?

???: Send word to my associate that I wish for them to prepare for an assignment.

Attendant: Um y-yes sir right away.

???: And one more thing. (The attendant stops in their tracks to turn back and listen.) See to it that...the girl...is made ready as well. I may have need for her services.

[With that the attendant leaves to carry out the command. The figure in the tank now satisfied with the plan taking shape reflects on all they had seen from Kryos' battle with the Saiyan.]

???: (Thoughts) There were others there that day. Those who have wicked hearts and seem to serve chaos. Hmm, perhaps I may be able to find a use for them. Another time perhaps...for now I must rest. Enjoy this calm while it lasts Saiyan...because the storm that follows will bring forth your demise.


[Back on Earth we pick up our story here. In the office of a..plump and older man. Seeming to be in his early fifties with salt and pepper hair accented with a well kept beard, he can be found laying back in his office chair enjoying some much needed rest. That is until a younger man comes bursting through the doors.]

?: Sir! We have a situation!

??: Ah uuwha! (Being jarred from his sleep he unfortunately flys backwards out of his seat and lands on the floor.)

The Golden Warrior (Male Saiyan OC x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now