Battle Training: Teaming Up

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[The first week at UA had come and gone for class 1-A. Now, everyone has begun to fall into the flow of what school would be like. For Dakon, the day started as normal as usual. Dakon had another fitful nights' sleep leaving him a couple of hours to go do some early morning training before heading to school. Midoriya would probably be bummed that they weren't going to head to school together but Dakon didn't want to bring him down just because he had a rough night. He made his way to class seeing people had also started making their way in. Spotting a sleepy looking Ashido sipping what he assumed to be coffee.]

Dakon: Hey Ashido good morning.

Ashido: Good morning (yawn).

Dakon: (softly chuckling) Someone's tired.

Ashido: Haha yeah sorry. I'm still getting used to these new class schedules.

Dakon: Don't worry about it I get it.

[There was a short pause as neither really knew how to continue the conversation.]

Dakon: Umm, is that coffee? 

Ashido: Huh? Oh yeah it's a life saver. I don't know how I'd get through the mornings without it. W-would you like to try it?

Dakon: Oh no I couldn't I was just curious. You don't have to offer seriously.

Ashido: (smiling at his sweetness) Dakon please I wouldn't offer if I didn't want to. Just try it ok.

Dakon: O-ok Thanks Ashido. (He says as he reaches for the drink and begins to take a sip only to be met with a very sweet warmth that helps to knock off any of his lingering drowsiness.)

Ashido: (begins to laugh at Dakon's wide eyed expression as he hands the drink back.) Good huh?

Dakon: Yeah definitely. I never expected it to be so sweet. I've always thought coffee was too strong and bitter.

Ashido: Yeah I kinda put my own spin on it just to make it more appealing ya know.

Dakon: Well, you are really good at it. I don't think I've had a drink that good ever.

Ashido: (Blushing) U-um well if you liked it so much maybe I know... take you out for coffee sometime.

Dakon: ....(Thoughts) Did she just ask me out?

Ashido: Um not if you don't want to it was just a suggestion ya know just two friends going out...AH NO!!! I mean going to get coffee together! Not going out or...(She stops as Dakon gently grasps one of her frantically waving hands.)

Dakon: Sure, that sounds like it would be fun Ashido. I'd love to.

[Silence fills the room as Ashido tries to form a response.]

Ashido: D-Dakon...


[They both jump as the rest of the class comes bustling in as the first bell rings signifying the beginning of class.]

Midoriya: Hey Dakon hey Ashido.

Ashido: Hey.

Dakon: (grinning) Hey Midoriya good morning.

Midoriya: Morning. Hey...(leaning in so that no one else could hear) are you ok? I could hear some noise coming from your apartment last night and I wanted to see if everything was fine.

Dakon: (His expression briefly switching to a troubled face then back to a more happy expression.) Yeah, I'm fine I just was getting up early for school and tripped over some moving boxes sorry about the noise. (Thoughts) Boxes?  Really?

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