The True Enemy Revealed

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[Light......a brilliant and blinding flash of blue light illuminates the USJ causing all of the fights between the students and the villains to stop leaving everyone in awe.]


Kirishima: (Standing beside Bakugo after they had just cleared out the room full of villains they had been fighting

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Kirishima: (Standing beside Bakugo after they had just cleared out the room full of villains they had been fighting.) I think that's Dakon out there...

Bakugo: That idiot! Is he really fighting that bird thing on his own?!

Kirishima: (tearing up and raising his fist) So manly!

Bakugo: Ah shut up you dumbass! He's crazy if he thinks I'm gonna stand by and let him take that thing on. (Crossing his arms to watch the intensifying light.)

Kirishima: (smirking and jabbing him in the side with his elbow) Oh really? Heh that wouldn't be because you feel bad after what you did to him during battle training would it?

Bakugo: Guh!...(Turning quickly to yell at him.) Of course not! It was that idiot's own fault for getting in my way of destroying Deku!

Kirishima: Hahaha yeah sure...well if you wanna pay him back...(Smiling and pointing to the light coming from the plaza.)...there's your chance.

Bakugo: (Looking towards the light.) Ugh fine...but after this me and him are even. Hell, he'll owe me after this.

Kirishima: Heh he'll owe us both.

[Bakugo grunts at the comment as they both start to make their way to the plaza.]


Midoriya: Woah...(feeling the entire building shaking) this power is insane!

Uraraka: I know! Dakon's got this in the bag!

Mineta: Well Ah! (Slipping and falling from the shaking.) Ow! I wish he'd hurry up and end this so we can get outta here!

Ashido: That thing can't hold up for much longer! Not if Dakon keeps at it like this!

Tsu: Yeah I think you're right Ashi-(Getting cut off by what makes everyone's hearts stop.)



Shigaraki: (Getting buffered back by the blast.) NO!!! Nomu!!! (Turning to his side.) Kurugiri!!!

Kurogiri: Right!!!

[Dakon didn't have time to see what the two villains where doing until he suddenly was enveloped by a searing pain from behind. To his and everyone's horror it was his own full power Kamehameha.]

Dakon: AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! (Thoughts) What?! How did?! (Cutting off his flow of ki into the attack he stands in a burning ditch with his gi torn to shreds. His body is a wreck as he drops from his kaioken transformation. With terrible cuts and burns still steaming from the attack he slumps down as he feels as if every fiber in his body has been shredded and seared to nothing.)

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