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[Dakon, speechless as he stands beside All Might, listens to the discussion between Shigaraki and the new figure while looking to his Master and the terrible shape he is in. As the two figures land in front of them Dakon is shaken for a moment as he wraps his brain around everything.]

Dakon: (Thoughts) So these guys are why I wasn't able to get in touch with Master. Well...guy and girl...I think. (Noting the surprisingly cute girl in some type of armor standing beside what Dakon could only describe as a white humanoid looking lizard.)


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Dakon: (Thoughts) Master's in bad shape

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Dakon: (Thoughts) Master's in bad shape. If these two could take him down then they must be powerful. I'm sure what I'm sensing isn't even their real strength. (Calling out to Krillin.) Master! Are you ok?

Krillin: Yeah more or less. Can't say the same for you though.

???: Oh ho ho yes I must agree with you earthling. Dear boy you look to have received a rather decent thrashing from that beast over there. Pity...I was hoping to have the pleasure of testing your strength as feeble as it likely is against our own. Oh well (shrugging his shoulders) time flys I suppose when you're having fun muhahahahah.

Dakon: (clenching his fists angrily) You...you bastard!

All Might: NO DON'T! (Failing to grab Dakon before he takes off.)

[Unable to run towards them Dakon flys himself over while barely rising above the ground. Deciding to go for the female first to try and release Krillin he draws up close enough to throw a ki blast in front of her to kick up a dust cloud as a distraction. Unable to see he senses Krillin in front of him but as he reaches out to grab him he is met by a harsh boot to the face which sends him reeling back.]

Dakon: Ah! (Looking back up he sees the girl smirking down at him as she beckons him to try again.) Errgg! KAIOKEN!!!(surrounding himself in the crimson aura again he immediately feels what little mobility he has increase temporarily.)


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