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Dakon: (Thoughts) They're all...gone.

[The struggle between Dakon and Kryos continues. With the tremendous power of Kryos' ki attack baring down it's not looking good for Dakon or the fate of his world. Feeling his body trembling from the incredible strain of resisting the force of Kryos' death orb Dakon can't hold on for much longer.]

Dakon: (Thoughts) This is it...I'm gonna die along with the planet. Dammit! I was an idiot! I should've killed this bastard while I had the chance. Guess we aren't so different after all Dad. Neither of us were able to take this guy down.

.......You're wrong you know...

Dakon: Gah! (Recognizing the voice) (Thoughts) K-Krillin?

Krillin: Yeah sorry I took so long. King Yemma sure likes to talk about his desk.

Dakon: (Thoughts) Master I...I don't know what to do. This guy is really strong. I don't think I can do this. My body feels like it's on fire and I don't know how much time I have left in this form. The whole world's gonna be destroyed and I can't stop it!

Krillin: See what I mean? He's definitely more like Gohan.

Dakon: (Thoughts) What?!

Krillin: Sorry, your Dad was just arguing with me. But back to you...you're overthinking things kid. You're so scared of the thought of failing that you've given up before its even happened.

Dakon: But I-

Krillin: Dakon.....don't think...and don't worry. You have all you need to beat this guy. I believe in you and so does everyone else.

Dakon: (thoughts) But...I don't have any one else. They're gone...and it's all because of me...

Krillin: (chuckling) I wouldn't say that.

[Feeling a cool wave of ki wash over him. Dakon's senses heighten leaving him dumbstruck as he feels ki all around him.]


Dakon: Huh?!




Dakon: Bakugo? Wait?........GRAAAH!!!(With renewed purpose he manages to push the ki blast back to arms length. Casting a glance to his side he is stunned at the sight before him.) G-guys...

[There, near where he thought them to have been turned to ash, stood Class 1-A. All of them alive and well cheering him on as he continues to fight.]

Dakon: H-How?

Krillin: Heheh I think you should thank your lady friend for that.

Dakon: What? (Looking above his class he is shocked to see none other than Caulifla with her armor torn to shreds and covered in burns.) (Thoughts) What's she doing up there?! (Noticing her discomfort and the intensely glowing seal on her head.) She...she fought against his control over her. But...why?

Caulifla: (holding her head as the seal continues to burn away at her for going against Kryos.) Gah! HEY!!! KID!!! CONSIDER US EVEN!!! (Thoughts) You let me live so the least I can do is save your friends.

Dakon: (with a small smile he hangs his head down and quietly says) Thank you...Caulifla.

Kryos: Grrrr TRAITOR!!! I knew I never should have let you keep your worthless life. Well guess what. You can say goodbye to your precious sister. Because once I'm done with you and this pest then I will kill her myself!

The Golden Warrior (Male Saiyan OC x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now