Love Again

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Play the above video 👆  and read the story to have the feeling of Adam..😊

Till now Adam didn't know Rose's name. He got to know her name while they were conversing.

Adam -"So her name is Rose. beautiful... just like a rose she looks....and her sweet... Really She has has been made with much God....aww..."

Adam keeps looking out and listens to her conversations.

Rose -"You know yesterday I completed the Trigonometry chapter and it was really tough"

Nancy-"Really! I am only half way there ."

Rose -"You should take tutorial classes in order to stay ahead"

Nancy -"My parents keep telling me this but I like to do it on my own."

Rose -"You should take a trial . It's really good."

Nancy -"But maybe when I get some less marks then I might"

Rose -"(laughs)"

Adam -"Aww...her laugher it's the sweetest I have ever soothing to the ears....awww..."

The bus stops on reaching the school and everyone get down. Adam waits for her to get down but again because of awkwardness gets down fast.

Adam walks towards his class but in his mind the laughter of Rose keeps on ringing.

Adam has few friends as compared to others but all respect him.

Although the whole day he was absent minded in the class hours but he still manages to answer the questions asked to him by his teacher.

After the class ends he rushes to the bus and grabs the seat next to where Rose sits regularly.

Unfortunately Rose doesn't arrive and this makes him feel sad. He gets worried and thinks of possibilities of her absence.

On the way to home he reminds all her talks he heard the morning and came to a conclusion that she had went to her tutorial classes.

Adam has his snacks and switches on the T.V. and starts watching a movie. A classic romantic movie was being shown and he didn't change the channel.

He kept on watching and started imagining himself and Rose in place of the actors. The situation perfectly coincidised with his and gave him hope that maybe not all love stories fail.

He felt in love with the movie that even with sacrifice of loved one might again bring them back together. This changed his mindset and thought that maybe he should give a try.

He  says to himself - "Everybody deserves a second chance and yet it's my first love. So it must get atleast a chance  ."

Adam -"I need to change my attitude to get her attention. I need to be more confident. I will have a changeover and after that I will ask her to me my friend then....."(smiles)

Next chapter -The Changeover.

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