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Ryan shoots.

But his gun falls on the ground and blood comes out of Ryan's hand.

Ryan -"What ? What's happening ?"

Ryan is then confronted by Rose and Bolt.

Ryan -"What ? Rose ? Bolt ? You should be dead Bolt !"

Ryan is then surrounded by policemen.

Policemen -"Freeze ! Down ! On your knees ! And hands up lie on the floor !"

Ryan -"No ! No ! This isn't happening !"

The other two goons try to run away but are chased and caught !

Rose goes and unties Adam.

Rose -"Adam ! Are you alright ?"

Adam -"Just...just in time ! "

Rose -"I will always be !"

Adam -"But how did you know ?"

Rose -"When you left and I went inside ! After sometime I saw you walking back to your room, so I wanted to say something to you that I missed to say before. But as I was walking behind you I saw that someone pointed a gun towards you. I hid in the bushes and then called the police. In this way I found you."

And that shooting sound ?"

Rose -"The police hit the goons !"

Adam -"Oh Rose ! I don't know what to say ! I just...I just... love you...!"

Rose -"I love you twice !"

Bolt -"Love birds ! You know !Heheheh !"

Policemen -"hehehehhe !"

Ryan -"This isn't over yet Adam !"

Ryan pulls out a gun from his back with his left hand and shoots at Adam through the gap of the policeman.

Rose -"Adam ! (Shouts )"

The policeman jump on the way of the bullet and take it instead of Adam .

The other policeman quickly shoot on Ryan's left hand and then take him away.

Bolt -"Oh , officer ! What a bravery !"

Policeman -"It's our job. "

Rose -"We should hurry to hospital. Or the infection will have severe impacts !"

Policeman -"Come on, get in our Car."

(Andrew, Daisy's boyfriend was watching at this whole scene from a safe and hidden place)

They are taken to hospital and are treated !

Ryan is sentenced 25 years of imprisonment.

Adam , Rose and Bolt successfully complete the presentation and are awarded for their achievements.

Adam proposes to Rose on the day of graduation and they marry soon after.

Both live happily then until...Andrew picks his move !
Hope you liked this story.

If this story hits your heart and I get a positive response then I will publish a second book continuing Adam's story !

Named - "The Teen Love - Revenge "

Till then Stay safe and happy !

Thank you very much for reading !

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