Happiest of Adam

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Play the above music and enjoy the story....😊....

The time for Adam's first class nears and so has increased his heart beats. Adam tries to think of some things but feels them to be ordinary.

Rose leads Adam to their class room and they take their seat.

In a few minutes teacher enters and the class starts. There are just twenty students in the class including Adam, Rose and Ryan.

Teacher -"So students, how are you all."

All students except Adam -"Moderately fine sir !" (in monotonous voice)

Teacher -"(laughs) Let's raise the downward curve, we have a new friend here."

All the students start giggling by looking at Adam.

Teacher -"He got admission through talent Search, let's not lower his confidence atleast now."

Ryan -"Who knows how he attempted that test, maybe through crook ?"

All students laugh.

Teacher -"Atleast try to keep your father's reputation, Ryan. Don't crack silly jokes , not Infront of me. Let's give our new student a warm welcome."

Teacher starts to clap and then everyone claps.

Adam -"Thank you sir ."

Teacher -"This clapping is not for free, you have to now provide a joke so that everyone can laugh."

Adam -"But I don't know jokes ."

Teacher -"Then you have to leave my class."

Adam -"But sir, isn't this a hypothetical class."

Teacher -"I know, but you need to know one thing that you can never be a great scientist without knowing the art of staying light hearted. Am I clear? "

Adam -"Yes sir."

Teacher -"Start then."

Adam -"Ah... I once heard that love is the deepest ocean but after studying physics I realized that it was wrong. Hypothetical questions are the deepest."

All the students -"Booo Booo."

Teacher -"One last chance, crack it or move out."

Adam to himself -"Oh man, what's happening here....ahhh."

Adam -"I should have taken the Stark internship offer rather than cracking jokes here." Oops"

Everyone gets a smile on their faces.

Teacher -"Your Delta c test is over now answer my question ?"

Adam -"Sure sir"

Teacher -"Why is gravity so weird ?"

Adam -" Einstein’s theory of general relativity gives a mathematical formulation for gravity, describing it as a “warping” of space. But gravity is a trillion trillion trillion times weaker than the other three known forces (electromagnetism and the two kinds of nuclear forces that operate over tiny distances).

One possibility — speculative at this point — is that in addition to the three dimensions of space that we notice every day, there are hidden extra dimensions, perhaps “curled up” in a way that makes them impossible to detect. If these extra dimensions exist — and if gravity is able to “leak” into them — it could explain why gravity seems so weak to us.

“It could be that gravity is as strong as these other forces but that it gets rapidly diluted by spilling out into these other invisible dimensions,” Some physicists hoped that experiments at the LHC would give a hint of these extra dimensions — but so far, no luck.

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