Experiment 3 - Love and Science

21 6 33

Play the above 👆 song and enjoy !
Happy reading ...😊

The day of College night has arrived !

Adam has practiced a lot to not let down Rose at the college night.

In the same time he is tensed up about his research work as they were warned of being pulled out of the project if they were unable to show some promising results !

The situation is tense but the air is filled with sweet scents as the couples are passing by towards the college hall.

Adam wears his formal dress and puts in his pocket the gift which he had brought for Rose.

Adam has a car rented and drives it to Rose's house.

Adam rings the bell and Rose's father opens the door !

Adam -"Good evening ! Rose's father !"
(Brings forth his hand for a handshake)

Jack -"You must be Adam ! "

Adam -"Yes ! Sire !"

Jack -"Don't you know that before taking girls to night out you must take her father's permission !"
(Gives an angry look)

Adam -"I am sorry Sir ! I didn't know that !"

Jack -"Get going back to your shell or you won't be able to walk !"

Adam in low voice -"Ah..ah..mmm... Alright sir !"

Julie -"Jack ! Stop your prank and let him
In !"

Jack begins to laugh.

Julie -" Adam , son come inside ! Rose is ready just 5 mins more !"

Adam -"Ah, okay ! Ma'am ."

Jack holds Adam by his shoulders and brings him inside .

Jack -"You have changed from the last time I saw you !"

Adam -"Last year I was not here ."

Jack -"Really ! Uff ! This generation really doesn't know to keep boyfriends. Huh poor generation ."

Rose -"Dad ! Stop it ! He isn't my boyfriend ! He is just a friend from work !"

Jack -"Huh ! See ! This generation is always confused !"

Rose -"If you are done can we leave !"

Jack -"Just a minute."

Jack hugs Adam and says in his ears .

Jack -"Don't you dare do anything stupid with my daughter ! If her heart breaks or if she comes home crying then you are a dead man ! And moreover Don't try to cross your limits..."(rose interrupts)

Rose -"Are you done hugging each other ?"

Jack -"Yeah ! "

Adam and Rose leave.

Julie -"Enjoy ! Have a great time !"

Jack -"They will ! College night night is always fun ! Hahahaha.... !"

Adam and Rose drive to the college hall during which Adam receives a call.

Adam -"Hello "

Ryan -"Say that you aren't going with Rose tonight !"

Adam -"Ryan !"

Ryan -"Answer me ! Fool !"

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