The Heroics

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The next day Adam leaves his home town and joins the Imperial College of Einsteins.

As Adam entered his new College his eyes were searching for just one person, Rose.

As Adam was walking around the college campus an unknown rush started from the lab. All the students started rushing away from the lab.

Adam got tensed at first and started running with the other students but again he felt that what if Rose was still in the lab and was unable to get out.

So Adam then started running towards the lab. As Adam reached the lab he found Three teachers along with Rose and another guy discussing something.

As a boy came running out of the lab -

Adam -"Wait, wait a second, what's happening here?"

Richy -"The thermoelectric generator has gone out of control. "

Adam -"Where are you going ?"

Richy -"Towards the safehouse, don't you know."

Adam -"I am new here and today is my..."

Richy -"Okay okay, I get you, now run..."

Adam -"But why those people inside are not running for the safehouse."

Richy -"Man they were in the project of making it as they are trying their last try to stop run..."

Adam has a look at the reactor through the window glass.

Richy runs to the safehouse.

Adam -"Can I go inside ? (Turns towards Richy and finds him running) Oh Man...."

Adam -"Man, it seems the thermoelectric generator here is gaining more and more heat as time is passing, but what can I do...??? Think Adam... Wait it's a thermogenic reactor, it's work is to convert thermal energy to electrical energy...but now it's getting heated... means it's sucking energy.... from where??? Doesn't matter....let me turn off the internal power circuit. No no's not that simple...the entropy is rising , so to reduce its enthalpy we need a disposer as well as a power break."

Adam enters the lab and looks .

Adam sees a circuit right next to the teacher. In a few seconds the face of the teacher turned deadly frightened.

Adam -"There is one switch but why isn't he turning it off !!! Is there another one !

Adam -"Sir, instead of trying to eturn off the generator turn off the powr circuit!"

Teacher -"Huh...were you in this project!"

Adam -"Nope sire, today's my first day!"

Ryan -"Sir this generator is now out of control ! It can blast any second now! We must take cover !"

Teacher -"There is panel right behind that door (points to the 7 meters away wall. ) Turn off that switch first ."

Ryan turns off the power and the generator stops but it's still turning red with heat.

Adam grabs the computer and inputs a quick code to dispose of the heat generated to the CHS.

Adam -"Situation under control...hew !"

Rose -"Hew, how did you know that?"

Adam -"Just some rational thinking I guess !"

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