Group Chat 2

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Hey guys, sorry it's not as early in the day as it used to be but this is probably when I'll be able to update until after June 5th, which is the last day of school for the summer.

Ben woke up at around 9 since it was a Saturday. He started to get up when he realized Erica had curled up half on him and half next to him. She had her arms around him. She was still asleep with a small smile played on her lips. He scooted back to where he had been and sat there admiring his new girlfriend. She moved a little and slowly opened her eyes. She looked around confused and her eyes widened when she realized she was in Ben's room. Partially laying on him. She shot up and moved off of Ben.

"What the-"

"Morning Erica."

"Why am I- oh yeah. Truth or dare."

"Yeah. How'd you sleep?"

"Really well actually. It was really comfy."

"So I make a good pillow?"

Her eyes widened and she blushed when she realized what she'd said.

"I um..."

"It's okay E. I was joking." She smiled at this.

I stood up and she sat on the edge of his bed. He pulled her up and into a hug. He rested his forehead on hers.

"I love you."

"I love you too." 

She closed the distance and kissed him. When they eventually pulled away he hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. 

"Wanna grab some food? I'll make breakfast."

"Can I help?"

"Of course." He said with a smile. "Pancakes and eggs?"


Their phones buzzed, as they walked to the kitchen hand in hand, and they checked them to see why. Mike had texted the group chat. 

"Here we go again." Ben laughed.

*Mike, Zoe, Ben, Erica, Chip, Jawa*

Mike: Heyyy guysss!

Zoe: Hi Mike :)

Ben: Bro you okay?

Mike: Never better. Why?

Erica: Ben has a point. You seem... off.

Mike: Nah, I'm just happy :)

Chip: Lol why ru happy?

Jawa: Yeah what happened?

Mike: Something very special 

Ben: What?

Mike: I heard you and Erica are dating!

Ben: Um Erica?

Erica: Yes?

Ben: How does he know?

Erica: Cuz I told him you dork

Ben: When?

Erica: Before I fell asleep

Ben: Oh okay then :)

Zoe: Awww that's so sweet! I'm so happy for you guys!

Chip: But I thought you still liked Ben

Jawa :Yeah you said so in the chat yesterday

Zoe: AHAHA you all believed me?

Erica: Yeah? And?

Zoe: I like someone else

Ben: Who?

Zoe: Mike :)

Jawa: Wait, so you only said that

Zoe: So Erica would tell Ben she likes him


Zoe: Sorry but I knew I'd have to make you jelly
          By saying I'd ask him out so you'd really tell him

Ben: That was sneaky Zoe

Zoe: Aw thanks

Ben: But also, thank you

Zoe: No problem
          Her refusing to tell you was getting annoying
          So I made her tell you :)

Erica: Zoe...

Zoe: Yeah?

Erica: I wanna tell you something

Zoe: Okay

Erica: I knew you didn't like Ben anymore

Zoe: No you didn't

Erica: Why would you help me and Ben if you still liked him?

Zoe: Idk cuz I'm nice?

Erica: Yes and no
             You're really nice but you wanted him to know I liked him
             So he wouldn't be scared to ask me out again
             Since he'd know I liked him
             Also I knew you and Mike were dating so that kinda tipped you off

Zoe: HOW!?!

Erica: Because I'm not blind

Mike: But she even fake rejected me on here!

Erica: And again, I'm not blind

Zoe: Okay then. But why did you get so upset then?

Erica: It's called 'acting'

Zoe: *rolls eyes* But then why would you still tell him?

Erica: Because I wanted to

Chip: Speaking of, how was last night you lovebirds?

Erica: *glares* 

Ben: For the love of gods Chip. Don't say it like that. 


Jawa: What?

Zoe: Lol Jawa's to innocent to get it

Chip: Huh? OH. That's not what I meant

Erica: It was actually quite nice

Ben: Yeah, we just slept and we're making breakfast

Erica: Ben

Zoe: Ooh whatcha makin

Erica: BEN

Ben: Pancakes and eggs

Erica: BEN!

Ben: What? 

Erica: The pancakes are burning

Ben: Shoot. Sorry guys we gtg

Mike: Kk

Zoe: Ttyl Ben
          And Erica

Chip: Have fun with the pancakes :)

Jawa: Later guys :)

Lot shorter and I'm sorry but for the next 5 weeks all of them are gonna be either shorter or sometimes a day or 2 late. i hope you liked it!

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