Kiss Cam 3

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So this is the final one of this idea. Enjoy!

Wrigley Field Parking Lot
12:45 AM
September 19th

Ben's POV:
I got out of the shower and dried my hair with a towel. I tossed it aside and wrapped a different towel around my waist. I started to leave the bathroom when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Erica was right. I looked pretty tough. Like people who didn't know me would think I was a tough guy that regularly got into fights. When this was like my second or third time.

"Damn. That shit hurts." I complained to myself as I rubbed my face.

I ran my hands through my damp, messy hair. My hair was almost always messy looking, unless I put in a ton of gel and slicked it back. I shook my head to get it out of my face as I set my hands on the counter. I leaned a little closer to the mirror so I could see better.

I had a slight black eye around my left one, visible just enough to show it was a black eye but light to not make me look like a panda or raccoon. The right side of my nose still showed a little new blood and my bottom right lip had some too.

I bent down over the sink and washed my face until the blood was almost entirely gone.

I washed my hands one more time. I dried them and noticed the scrapes cuts and bruises from punching them.

I walked out, humming a song that was stuck in my head, towel still around me.

I saw Erica sitting on the bed and jumped.


"Hey. Sorry if I scared you." She laughed.

"Uh... hey."

"Mike and Zoe both fell asleep cuddling next to each other in the bed so I put the blanket on them. Oh I also took his shoes off and put them by the door. But I think I'm gonna stay in here if that's okay?

I looked through the door and saw a fast asleep Mike and Zoe laying next to each other.

"Uh yeah. Okay. No problem" I stuttered.

I was still standing there, frozen at the door, red-faced, with nothing but a towel around my waist.

"I'm gonna go get dressed." I managed

I went over to my suitcase and grabbed a teal tight fitting muscle tank, some underwear, and white basketball shorts. I walked back to the bathroom and put my clothes on. I grabbed my phone from the counter and headed back out.

She was sitting in the same place on her phone.

I laid down on the other side and scrolled through Instagram.

After a while I plugged my phone in and tried to fall asleep. I looked over at Erica, who looked really beautiful.

"I'm gonna try to sleep so good night." I smiled. "Love you."

She looked at me. She turned off her phone and rolled over to me. She kissed me and then set her head on my chest. I felt her put her arms around me. I put mine around her and closed my eyes.

"Good night Ben. I love you too." She whispered.

And that was the last thing I remembered before falling asleep soundly.

Okay, there's a short little wrap-up chapter for that mini-series. Hope you enjoyed!

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