Kiss Cam 2

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Okay, here's part 2 :)

Wrigley Field Parking Lot

10:15 PM
September 19th

Ben's POV:
He and Zoe waved and drove off towards the hotel. I took her hand and we walked after them. And then went the opposite way. We wandered around aimlessly and talked about anything and everything.

Just like always.

But now was different.

It was special.

More so than usual.

The streets were pretty empty and glowing yellowy orange from the streetlights.

It was beautiful and I couldn't help but notice it wasn't the only thing.

Erica's hair was shining in the moonlight with that cubs baseball cap I gave her years before. She practically glowed. She was wearing some ripped jeans with a green and blue tie dye sweatshirt and my jacket.

She looked over and realized I was staring at her. She waved her hand in front of my face.

"Hellooo? Earth to Ben? What are you looking at me like that for?"

"You're so beautiful." I whispered.

She blushed and smiled before looking away.

We went back to talking when someone jumped out at us. Two more came up behind us.

"Money now."

The first guy grabbed Erica and held her with his arm around her neck.

"Woah! Hey, leave her alone man! Here!" I pulled my wallet out.

The first guy grabbed Erica and held a switchblade to her throat, with the crook of his elbow pressed against her neck to keep her from getting away.

My anger boiled. I took a deep breath.

"You should not have done that." I growled.

He laughed.

"Oh yeah? And why is that?" He sneered as he moved the blade closer.

That was it. I'd had enough. And I attacked. I dove at him, stole his switchblade, and in his confusion Erica got free. He got up, mad as ever, and walked to his friends.

"Erica. Get behind me. Now."

She stood behind me and I cracked my neck and knuckles.

He dove at me.

I dodged him and shoved him to the ground. He tried to sweep my legs but I knew it was coming and jumped over it. He scrambled to get up. He punched me in the face so I kicked him in the stomach and he doubled back over and fell to the ground again. The other two guys charged. I swept one's feet out from under him and he fell. I punched the other in the face hard and I'm pretty sure I broke his nose. It was bleeding like crazy and he let out a small whimper. The first guy finally got back up and I kicked his chest again before punching him in the face twice. The second ran at me and I took the first and shoved him into him. They collapsed onto each other. I punched both of them one last time and they stayed down. The third guy's eyes widened and he ran. I chased after him and kicked the back of his leg, causing him to fall. I grabbed him and dragged him to the others and threw him against them. One last kick to the face and they were all groaning in pain.

"That's why dumbass. Nobody threatens her." I pointed to Erica. "Nobody. Am I clear?"

They gulped and nodded quietly.

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