Tryouts Preview (AU)

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This is the first (maybe) of a little short mini-fun and games series about the characters joining different high school sports teams or clubs in different AUs. I'd make them all connected but I want to explore them meeting the other characters from other sports or scenarios, so I'm still thinking on that. I might even scrap the whole idea, no clue yet.

Also please don't like correct everything that is unlikely to happen, I accidentally made it very much unrealistic in a few ways, but I think it's kinda fun and I'm keeping it for now. The sports stuff is accurate, I researched that, but some things like Not super happy with this, but I don't know quite how to fix it rn and none of my other chapters in progress for this book are done, so I hope it isn't too awful lol, my apologies in advance.

Football Field
Blue Sky High
3:00 PM
September 11th

Ben's POV:
The 11th of September my freshman year, was a huge day. But before I go forward, lemme go back and explain a little first.

I'm Benjamin Ripley, but my buddies call me Ben.

I was a 15 year old just starting my first year of high school.

I used to be kinda nerdy and unpopular, but I started working out in middle school. My best friend Mike helped me practice some sports and I got pretty good. Once I had a bit of muscle, I wasn't a half-bad athlete.

I gained a little popularity because of my newfound moderate athleticism, along with my friendliness and pretty good grades. I'd help the people struggling too, so I was pretty well liked.

I'd been at the high school for a week now, and I was doing pretty well with everything.

But the 11th? First day of football tryouts. And the first high school sports tryouts I'd been to.

I was excited, but also nervous. I looked around and saw 57 guys. Only 45 max would make freshman. There was a chance for some of us to be bumped to JV or even Varsity in some very rare cases, but I wasn't counting on it. I recognized most of them, or a decent amount at least, from previous seasons or other sports. It was nice to see so many familiar faces.

Mike and I'd walked from our last class together. We'd been told to not put our pads on. Just football pants, cleats, and a shirt. We'd done that and were now waiting for the coach to tell us what to do.

"Benny boy, calm down man. You don't need to be so fidgety. It's just day 1. Plus, we got this." Mike laughed.

"Fidgety?" I said as I sat down from pacing.

"Yes. Chill bro. It's not that big a deal."

"Of course it is. A few will make varsity, some JV, a bunch freshman, and some will get cut."

"Listen, the best you can do is try your best. Plus, one of the coaches is a kid from our team last year's dad. Meaning he saw us kick butt last season. Stop worrying. You and I are like Russell Wilson and Tyler Lockett."

"Except teenagers and way less good."

He laughed and shook his head jokingly.

"Obviously. Point being, I'm a pretty solid QB, but I need my star wide receiver. We got this." He smiled at me.

"Thanks man." I smiled back.

The coach walked in.

"Alright. I'm Coach Hedge. I'm assistant coach for varsity, Coach Alexander is the head coach for Varsity with me, and Coach Brodie and Ryan are JV coaches. Freshman co-coaches are Brodie and Alexander."

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