Uno Reverse Card Part 2

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Okay, part 2!

Top Floor
Zoe's Dorm
7:45 PM
September 9th

Ben's POV:
*Still Flashback lol*

I jogged out of The Mess and after Erica.

"Erica! Wait up!"


"What's wrong?" 

She rolled her eyes.

"Go away Benjamin."

"Benjamin? I must really be in trouble huh?"

"No. Just go away. Go talk to Zoe."

"What? Zoe? Why? Oh. " I smiled. "You jealous?" I teased, bumping my shoulder into her intentionally.

"Not a chance."

"Then can you give me some advice?"

"On what?" She snapped.

"Well, Zoe. I mean, you're like super observant. You think she still likes me? Like if I asked her out, you think she'd say yes?"

"Why would you want to ask her out?"

"So you are jealous then."


"Whatever. But don't ask like I never asked you out. You just never agreed to do anything besides stuff for school or missions because you're scared of me." I knew the last part would rile her up so much she'd agree to come without thinking.

"I'm not scared of any one or any thing."

"Then go out with me sometime." I smirked. "Like sometime within this month. Unless you're too scared."

"Absolutely not." 

"Why not?" 

"That's way too much to prove you wrong."

"Then come to Zoe's room and play games with all of us later."

I figured starting high and then lowering my request, she'd accept.


Welp. I was wrong. So I just elaborated. With a snicker.

"What's so funny?"

"If you're not scared, why won't you come?"

"I don't want to."

"Because you're scared of us, and specifically me."

"Prove it."

"Well Joshua pretty much dumped you and then faked his death to turn on everyone."

"We weren't dating."

"You pretty much were, like it or not."

"You still haven't proven me wrong."

"Since that happened, you haven't let anyone close to you. Because you're scared they might hurt you like that too. Therefore, you're scared of everyone. Especially me."

"Am not. And why you?"

"Because whether you'll admit it to me or not, you like me, and as more than a friend. It may not be much, but you like me romantically. Deny it all you want, but you like me, and are afraid I might leave you, so you're scared to get close to me."

She didn't respond.

"Whatever. I gotta go. Zoe wants to talk to me about something I think." I said, turning around, knowing she'd stop me.

"Don't!" She said as she grabbed my hand, and then blushed a tiny bit.

Knew that would work.

"Don't what?"

"Don't go I mean. I need to know the details for your stupid game night."

"Knew you'd come."

"Only to prove you wrong."


"If you don't knock it off, I won't come."

"Stop making excuses. I'll come get you at 7:45. Be ready." I winked before heading back to my friends, hands in my pockets.


I turned back around.


"This isn't a date!"

"I know! It's a game night date with 4 of my friends present as well." I smirked again before turning around and walking back without another word.

Okay, Ik it's short, last part up next week.

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