Hug, Marry, Punch 2

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Okay so this part was in the first part but I meant to put it here instead. Meaning, you probably already read this and can just scroll through it.

Observation Deck
Washington Monument

11:30 PM
December 31st

Ben's POV:
We walked around the town to a special place.

The Washington Monument.

We went up through the tunnel and to the top.

There was a blanket with food and candles on it by the huge windows.

She looked to me confused.

"What? A guy can't cook?"

"I didn't know you could."

We sat down and faced each other.

The sun began to set over the horizon.

"There's... a lot you don't know about me."

"Like what? What don't I know about you?"

"Well I can play most instruments just by winging it, I have a pretty good singing voice, I've never had a girlfriend-"

"I knew all of that."


"Well the first two are because I bugged your room years ago, remember?"

My face turned bright red. I noticed her looking at my ankle with concern.

"Ben what- what's that?"

I quickly pulled it down over the scars and tried to change the topic.

"So you heard me writing songs?"

"Uh... yeah. What I don't know is for who?"

"Uh no one." I said too quickly.

"Aw Benny Boy's got a crush! Whooo?"

"No one."


"And the third?"

"I asked Mike."


"Just... curious."

"... oookay? You were 'just curious' about my previous love life?"

"Point being, I knew all of those. What's something I don't?"

"I -don't know."

"You do. You just don't wanna tell me."

She said as she stood up and walked to the window. She crossed her arms and stood there annoyed. I got up and walked towards her. I put my hands on the sides of her arms and turned her to face me.

"Are you seriously mad at me?"

"Kinda." She grumbled.

"What do you want?"

"To know what's bothering you. You act fine but I know you're not. I thought you would finally tell me. You've shrugged it off for months. So when you said there was a lot I didn't know, I thought you were finally gonna tell me so I can help. I can't help if I don't know what's wrong."

"What do you want me to say? What do you want me to tell you? That I'm depressed? That I hate being alone? That I'm scared to be? That nights are the worst part of the day because I can't sleep? That I stay up thinking things that terrify me? Or about things that do? That I've often wished I was dead? That I've cut myself to avoid killing myself?" I demanded annoyedly.

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