Rebound of the Century (AU) Preview

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Ben is engaged to an amazing girl, living in the city of his dreams, with the job of his dreams, but she cheats and leaves just days before the wedding. He's crushed, when he bumps into a beautiful girl, also recently heartbroken. They become friends and supports through their tough times. He realizes how amazing she is and falls for her. (He really put the crush in crushed lol, I'm sorry you had to read that) Read as they realize how their significant others cheating was, surprisingly, one of the best things to ever happen to them. As he and Erica come to terms with what happened, they realize, the real person for them is each other. Or maybe entirely all just a weird dream/nightmare that Ben had after drinking way too much at his Bachelor's party. Guess you just have to read to find out ;)

Ben's Apartment
Los Angeles
12:45 PM
August 17th

Ben's POV:
"Goodnight guys." I said as my friends Mike, Zoe, Chip, and Jawa left.

It had been game night, starting at 4:30 PM, and after everyone was just screaming at each other, drunk out of their minds, and throwing things all over, laughing like idiots, we'd watched movies until everyone was sober enough to drive.

I closed the door and flopped on the couch next to the last person still there, Erica.

"Someone's hungover." She laughed. "You look like a zombie."

"I'm not hungover. I'm exhausted."

"And hungover." She said knowingly.

"Maybe a little." I laughed. "I have to finish my album by tomorrow night too though because I record Sunday at 6."

"You say it as if you're not pretty much done, save for one last song."

"Fair enough." I yawned. "You staying here tonight?" I asked.

"Not sure yet."

"That's cool. The guest bedroom is all yours if you want it as usual."


I nodded.

"What do you wanna do now?" I asked tiredly.

"I think you need to go to bed." She laughed. "Or at least take a nap if you're gonna be insistent that you need to finish your song before you go to bed for real."

"Nah I can't sleep yet."

"You wanna talk or something then?"

"Alright, what do you wanna talk about?"

"Don't know. You?"

"No idea."

"Alright, well how you holding up about Ashley?"

"Well I'm still really hurt, but also, I'm kinda over it a bit honestly. How you holding up about Joshua?"

"I'm mad and hurt but it just wasn't meant to be. Some mistakes get made, that's alright, and that's okay."

"Some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes." I said with a laugh.

"That's the moral of the story." She said as we both started laughing.

We'd listened to that song hundreds of times late at night as we tried to get over them.

"So you're not upset about the engagement being over? I mean you were gonna marry her and then she pulled that shit. That's pretty harsh."

"I honestly, don't mind it that much. I didn't really want to marry her, but we'd been dating so long I felt like it was the only thing I could do was propose. It felt like it was the mandatory next step, you feel me?"

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