Kiss Cam 1

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Okay so this was a requested one. I forgot who requested it bc I have the memory span of a diseased goldfish, but here it is anyway. Also, it's an au where Spy School never happened, but they met at high school anyways. And Joshua never existed, so she never became Ice Queen. Just a normal teenage girl. I'd also like to point out I don't know much about baseball, and that I'm trying my best.

Wrigley Field
6:45 PM
September 19th

Ben's POV:
Mike had been signed to the Cubs straight out of high school and recently so Zoe, Erica, and I had come to watch his debut. We were sitting just next to and to the right of the Cubs' dugout. Like we could almost see in if we leaned forward enough. Mike had gotten us special seats because he wanted us to be close by for his first game.

Zoe was actually down by the dugout talking to him because he was a little nervous and of course, because they were dating and she wanted to wish him good luck, for the 99th time that night.

"So, you excited?" I asked Erica.

"Yeah. Baseball's not my favorite, but Mike's our friend, so I'm here to support him."

"Baseball's fun to play but it gets kinda boring to watch after a while." I agreed.

She looked back out to the field curiously.

She was one of my best friends, but I liked her as more than that. She was beautiful and smart and athletic and funny and nice. She had raven black hair and ice-like blue eyes. She hardly ever wore makeup and when she did it was just a little and natural.

We joked around together all the time and were super close but I never got the nerve up to tell her how I felt or make a move. But I made a promise to myself I would at least try tonight. It had been 4 years. I needed to tell her

Mike and Zoe always tried to help but I just got too nervous that everything would get messed up if I told her and she didn't feel the same. Like it'd be all awkward and that was the last thing I wanted.

She never actually dated anyone else but I was over paranoid and thus explains why we were still just friends and she had no idea I liked her, I thought at least.

"Nice weather though." I pointed out.

"Yeah. Sunny and clear. Not too hot either."


It was almost time for the game to start so Zoe hugged him one last time and started to head back up to us. She sat down on my left and we talked until the game did start.

"You excited Zoe?"

"Yeah. Oh and by the way, Mike says hi."

Eventually the players walked onto the field and we saw Mike look at us and smile. He walked to the pitcher's mound and stretched one last time.

"It is the New York Mets versus the Chicago Cubs! On the mound for the Cubs today is newbie, Mike Brezinski! He was just signed straight from high school and this is his official debut! Let's see what he's got!" The announcers said excitedly.

When the batter was in the box and ready. He did some practice swings and tapped the base with his bat. Mike got the ball situated in his hand and threw the ball as hard as he could in a perfect curve. The batter swung and missed.

"That was a perfect curve-ball! That'll be strike one." The announcers said.

Mike got ready and pitched the ball so fast and hard the batter only nicked it and it was a clear foul ball.

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