Uno Reverse Card Part 1

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Tee hee this one's fun :)

Top Floor
Zoe's Dorm
7:45 PM
September 9th

Ben's POV:
It was a good day.

A good, good day.

But a confusing, emotional roller coaster day too.

I was currently being stared down by Erica Hale, in a heated game of truth or dare, who we'd somehow convinced to come hang out with us, and Zoe took advantage of it. We even played spin the bottle later. Guess who didn't enjoy that. Erica? Yep.

But back to Zoe. Now that she was with Mike, and over me, it was back to the way it used to be. Where she was the world's greatest wing girl. And Erica had no clue Zoe didn't like me anymore. Or that she was with Mike. Which were all really nice.

She'd help me like she used to, and, with Mike's approval, and suggestion because I'd never let my best friend's girlfriend flirt with me, even if it was fake, if by best friend was uncomfortable with it. She'd do things like fake flirt or ask if a girl at our school was cute to make Erica jelly. But sometimes it'd go too far. Like the time Zoe and I kissed.

That was exactly how we got Erica to come to Zoe's room that night.


We'd all sat at our usual table, two away from Erica. Zoe came in and sat in between me and Mike. I was on the end of the table, and Chip and Jawa were across from Mike and Zoe. No one would sit within one table of Erica, so that left Erica with a clear view of Zoe and me.

Erica hadn't come into the lunchroom yet, so I looked at Mike once again.

"You sure you're okay with this? Zoe is your girlfriend. I won't let her kiss me if you're not okay with it. I mean this whole plan seems over the top. Maybe we should just stop it before it goes too far."

"Ben, it's okay. Really. I trust you and I trust Zoe. And again, it was my idea."

"I know but this all seems crazy. And maybe you're okay with it, but it still feels wrong kissing her. Your permission or not."

"Ben, hear my words, it's okay man. I promise you, I will not be affected by any of it. I know what she and I have is special, and that we're both just trying to help you."

"What if she still won't hang out with us tonight?"

"Then at least we can say we tried. And plus, our main goal is just to get her to hang out with us as friends, minimum. I know you like her, but that won't become a relationship relationship until she's ready. Which I know you know as well."

"I do."

"All you have to do is flirt playfully. And then when Zoe leans in, you kiss her. She pulls away, you both blush, and Erica will make it clear she's unhappy about it, so you go talk to her. You ask if she wants to come over to Zoe's with all of us tonight, and make sure she agrees. Then we play truth or dare, and dare her to be friendly and hang out with us for 2 months. She'll get used to it, and hopefully, be nicer and happier."

"But when she finds out, she'll kill me."

"We'll all tell her later. Come on Ben, you know she needs to start making friends again as much as I do. Being able to work well with people and make friends are kinda crucial things in the spy world, especially for undercover ops. She can't do either of those very well and she's graduating this year. Sure she can act, but she'll get found out on long missions and will end up in danger. She's good, but even she gets caught off guard occasionally. And almost every time she does, the reason involves some kind of relationships."

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