The Monster

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     Every single wrinkle and freckle is carved into my memory already. I don't want to forget him. I don't want to forget the way he grinned at me when he found my ring at the bottom of his pool. Or the caress of his thumbs as he wiped away my tears.

     More than anything, I don't want him to leave.

     I'm standing in his yard, my bare feet damp and muddy from the grass. My arms are wrapped around myself, tracing my own goosebumps with my fingertips. It's cold. The moonlight casts a shadow against him as he helps his mom and brother load his last bag into the minivan.

     I love that van. It's done so much for me. It drove me to the park. It took me out for ice cream. But in that moment, I hate it. It's taking away my best friend.

     Mason walks up to me with a gentle smile, I can see the way his mouth tilts to one side lopsidedly even in the dark.

     "Don't be so sad, Mel," he tells me, "I'll be back before you know it."

     "You don't have to go! Your mom said you don't have to go."

     "It's just for one summer, Mel. I want to see my Dad, I miss him."

     I don't care.

     "You can't leave." I want to drop to my knees and wrap my body around his feet so he can't go anywhere.

     He doesn't understand. He is my only hope. My superhero. He's supposed to save me. He can't save me if he moves away.

     "You're being selfish." He tells me with a sigh.

     "No, please, you don't understand."

     Mason is going to leave me alone. I'll have no more excuses. No more play dates. No more spending the night next door, or running away to the park.

     If Mason leaves, I can't escape.

     "What, Mel? I'll be back in a few months, promise." He holds out his pinky and I stare at it.

     "He's gonna kill me if you leave." I whisper.

     Mason drops his hand, "What did you say?"

     "Who's gonna protect me from the monster, Mason? I can't do it by myself!" I push him backwards and he stumbles.

     "You're leaving me! Just like Dad, just like Steven, you're leaving."

     "Mel, calm down, I'll come home."

     "You have to protect me from the monster." I'm crying. Salty tears slide down my cheeks, dripping onto my nightgown.

     "Come on," he says, "show me where the monster is and I'll kill it before I leave."

     "You can't kill him! You just have to make him stop. Make him stop, Mason. Promise me, you'll make him stop."
     "I- Mel-"

     "Mason, come on sweetie, say goodbye, it's time to go."

     Mason looks back at his mom as she gets into the driver's seat.

     "Don't leave." All I can do is whisper.

     One last attempt. One last prayer.

     But he doesn't even say goodbye.

     He looks at me one last time before turning around and walking over to his escape. He wants to leave. He doesn't care.

     He doesn't care.

     "Melanie, get inside."

     The monster.

     His footsteps are so loud, and his fingers are like ice as he wraps them around my arm.

     "No, no, I don't want him to leave!" The car is starting, and it's pulling out of the driveway, onto the road.

     "He doesn't want you, Melanie." The twelve-year old sneered.

     "Let go! You can't hurt me! He's still here, you can't!"

     But the van is so fast, and soon all I can see is the faint glow of  tail lights as he drives away.

     "Looks like he's gone."

     Then he throws me to the ground.

     The tears cloud my vision. I scramble up, trying to run back home.

     He grabs me again, taking a fist full of my hair and using it to jerk me back, he turns me around and smiles.

     I hate his smiles.

      He's so strong. His punches knock the air out of my lungs, and his grip holds me in one place.

     All I can do is cry. 

     "Whatever I did, I'm sorry. I'm sorry!"

     "You can't apologize for being born," Adam says as pulls me into the house, "you just have to deal with the consequences."

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