Little Fish

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One thing that Mason and Adam have in common is that they're unpredictable.

I'm sitting in a lawn chair, only ten feet away from Mason's in ground pool as everyone else is running around and cracking open cans of root beer.

The girls are wearing bikinis. Their skin is flawless, not one imperfection in sight. They're flirting with David and Robert who have already been in the pool and are now chasing them with water guns.

Mason is sitting next to me, he's wearing a Captain America shirt over Sponge-bob flower themed swim trunks.

I'm listening to his laughter, the way his voice will crack if he chuckles hard enough and the flare of his nostrils when he tries to hold it in.

It's been years since I've looked at this house intentionally, let alone stepped into the backyard. I used to spend so many summer days here, from before the sun rose to minutes before I had to go to sleep.

I remember the diving contests, the games of tag, and all the s'mores by the fire pit.

"Hey, Mel, didn't you bring a suit?"

Mason is looking at me, eyes roaming down my body which is covered by a long sleeve and sweats.

"It's September."

"It's almost eighty degrees." He defends, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't like swimming."

"I'm pretty sure you only used to play with me because of my pool." He teases and I smile.

"Having a pool was your best personality trait."


He's smirking again and suddenly standing up from his chair, approaching me and looking down at me.
I'm aware of the shallow rise of my chest as I hold my breath. I know that the giant bruise around my eye has to be unappealing. I've never worried about that before. But with Mason standing close, I'm all too aware of how he can see every imperfection.

Why do you care?

I don't. Mason is nothing but trouble.

"What would you say is my best personality trait now, Mel?"

I don't know why his voice is suddenly hoarse or why I'm trying to sink impossibly farther into my chair.

"You- your- I-" I cant finish my sentence because I've forgotten how to speak.

His body heat along with the sun beat down around me, and it suddenly becomes too hot to breathe.

"Yes?" His voice is almost at a whisper now.

"It's really hot out here." I gasp.

He's still smirking, leaning down even farther and I bring a hand up to his chest, scared I'm going to have to push him away.

When Adam gets this close, I panic. I beg for him not to hurt me. To leave me alone.

With Mason, it's different. I don't want it to stop. I want him closer to me. I want him.


"Get a room you two."

Suddenly there's a stream of water shooting at Mason and I.

I scramble out of my chair, the front of my shirt clinging to me.

Mason laughs, his clothes soaked as well.

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