Let's Get This Party Started

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      I'm sitting on my bed with wide eyes as I watch the scene from lay out before me.
      I can hear Mason's angry breathing, it's louder than anything else in the room.
      While I'm terrified, the look on Adam's face is nothing but pure rage.
      "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Adam seethes, pushing Mason off of him.
      Although he towers over Mason by a couple of inches, Mason doesn't seem threatened at all.
      "I told you not to talk to her like that!"
      Mason lunges at Adam once, knocking him to the ground and my breath hitches in my throat.
       He raises his left fist and throws it into Adam's cheek, causing his face to whip to the side.
      It's terrifying, seeing him in this position. The exact same position that I have been in so many times before.
      Mason punches his jaw and Adam grunts, but he's not scared. He's so angry.
      "Mason, Stop!" I plead, hoping it will be as easy as it was that night when Mason almost hit Adam.
      But it's like he doesn't even comprehend that I'm there.
      Mason raises his hand again but Adam flips himself over so he's pinning Mason to the ground.
      He lands his fist directly on Mason's nose, I can see the blood trickle out in a slow fountain.
      Mason is trying to push him off, but I know more than anyone how strong my brother is.
      Instead he manages to lift up his knee and shove it against Adam's stomach, throwing him backwards.
       Oh my God. I'm gonna get it, I'm gonna get it bad. Adam is going to break every bone in my body.
       Both of the boys are on their feet now and circling eachother like they're about to wrestle in the ring.
      "What is your problem?" Adam snarls, the bruise on his jaw already forming.
      "You need to stop treating Mel, like trash! Start picking on someone who's not a defenseless teenage girl!"
      Things to go in slow motion as Adam's eyes widen in realization. I stop breathing when he looks over at me.
He knows.
      Mason swings at Adam again but he ducks it before landing a punch to Mason's stomach, causing him to double over.
      "What the hell is going on in here?"
      My mom stands at the doorway and out of instinct I quickly wipe away the tears falling down my cheeks. I don't bother her with my problems, and in return she doesn't feel like I'm a burden. Adam says I go to him when I'm upset, I don't need to bother mom. It's really hard when he's the reason I'm the upset.
"They were just wrestling and it got way too rough." I chuckle out.
Mom rolls her eyes, "Boys, go clean yourselves up, the rest of the guests will be here soon."
Adam doesn't say anything, but his glare thrown in my direction is my enough.
He knows that Mason found out. I let Mason hurt him. Adam is going to kill me.
Why didn't I try harder to stop Mason?
I wanted Adam to feel it, just for a second, the pain that I feel.
Adam gives me one final pointed stare before storming out of my room to tend to his new bruises.
Mason shoots me a glance, he seems triumphant almost happy. Doesn't he understand what he's done? I thought he wanted Adam to stop punishing me.
Once he leaves to get a new shirt and rinse off the blood from his face, I lay back in my bed and bite my lip to stifle a sob.
You're gonna get it so bad.
It wasn't my fault.
Everything is your fault.
I blink away tears and take a deep breath. I can handle it. I have to handle it. And for now, I have a party to get ready for.
I reach down beside my bed to grab the shopping bag with the clothes that I bought with Riley and Claire.
Two things, a light blue overalls dress that goes just above my knees and a white long sleeve shirt that clings to my skin tightly to wear under it.
I go to my dresser and grab a pair of lacy black pantyhose, to cover the rest of my legs.
After slipping them on, I slip on the shirt, looking at myself in the mirror.
Just once, I'd like to wear something that shows some skin. Anything really. Just something that would let me be normal.
      But with or without the bruises decorating my skin, no one would want to see it anyway. I'm a freak no matter how I dress.
      I slip the dress on over my head.
      After brushing through my hair and slipping on my black flats, I make my way downstairs.
Riley and Claire are sitting at the kitchen table with my mom.
      "You look great, Ni-Ni I told you the dress would look cute!" Riley squeals when she sees me.
      "Aren't you hot?" Claire muses.
      I shake my head and send them a smile, "Thank Riles."
      "The pizza is cooking right now dear, and you look lovely, and I'm so sorry," I look up to see my mom who's gotten up and is grabbing her keys, "Adam's left already so you kids are gonna be alone. I have to go to an emergency shift at work, the cake is in the fridge! Make sure the house stays clean, I love you so much."
     She gives a quick kiss to my forehead and a side hug before she dashes out of the house.
She can't wait to get away from you.
      "Bye." I mutter under my breath.
      Riley shoves a pink bag in my face, "Open it now!"
Taking the bag from her, I peer inside. I take out the several pieces of tissue paper to see a few items.
There's some chocolate, a can of root beer, a pair of dangly silver ear rings, and a little blue box with a ribbon tied around it.
      Inside the box there's a picture of Riley, Claire, and me all shooting peace signs towards the camera while lounging on Claire's bed.
       It comes with a tac.
      "It's to hang on your wall, since you have nothing else hanging up. It'll lighten up the room."
      I smile softly, "I love it, thank you."
      "Alright," Claire whoops, "Lets get this party started!"


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