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Trigger Warning sexual assault. Please skip this chapter if it makes you uncomfortable!!

      "I'm really tired, Adam, I don't think-"
      "You ditch me all night for a party, and now you don't even wanna play? I've had my bags packed for a while- if you really don't want me to stick around, I'll just go." He says with a smirk as he shoves last me and makes his way to the stairs.
My face pales, this is what I was trying to avoid all night.
"No! No please! I'm sorry, we can do whatever you want." I rush out, resisting the urge to grab his arm like I would Mason's.
Mason is weak, he would let me do whatever I wanted. That doesn't work with Adam.
Adam turns around, "Whatever I want?"
Anything it takes to make him stay.
He grins, "First things first."
Then his fist collides with my stomach. I bend over, gasping for breath.
"You're going to stop being behind my back." Adam yells.
"I'm sorry."
He uses the back of my jacket to throw me to the ground and I suddenly regret zipping it up.
His foot strikes my back, my side, my stomach.
"You think you're so clever, using mom so you can go to parties and be a whore? You just want to fuck Mason, right?"
"No! No, I promise." I say.
Adam scoffs, "I've told you to stay away from him. When are you going to listen to me?"
He delivers the final kick.
I'm curled into a ball, my whole body aching and throbbing.
"You want to make it up to me?" He asks, bending down to reach my eye level.
I give a weak nod.
He smiles, "You want to be a good girl?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Come on."
I rush to follow him, going as fast as I can with my new injuries, up the stairs.
He walks straight into my bedroom, throwing the door open.
I follow him into the room, slightly relieved that he had broken the lock on my door years ago.
     He shuts the door behind me and I wring my fingers together nervously.
     Normally he doesn't go through such extravagant efforts to hit me. He doesn't have a preference as to where or how he does it.
     "You know you've really grown up, Mel," Adam says, almost purring, "so I think it's time we started big girl punishments."
      He stops closer to me and I immediately feel his hand on my throat as he backs me into the wall. I'm breathing lightly, he's not putting a lot of pressure. Which is weird, he normally aims to kill.
      "What do you mean?" I ask.
     He lightly squeezes my throat as he leans in. I expect him to tell me something awful, something will make me shut down and just fall numb to the rest of the beating like I normally do, but instead I feel his lips against the top of my jaw.
     He doesn't answer me as he continues to trail his lips down the exposed part of my neck, using one hand to pin me against the wall by my throat, and the other to grip my left hip.
     My fingers grab the hand on my hip, "Adam, stop."
     Instead of threatening me and telling me not to say to no him, he ignores me once more, instead pushing my hand away and putting his hand on my thigh.
"Adam I don't like this." I tell him.
      I'm frozen, but my mind is running a mile a minute. Thinking about how I would rather suffer another slap to the face than to feel his hands travel down my lower back. I would rather him kick my stomach over and over, because even then I could breathe better than I can right now.
      "Adam, I said stop!" I shout, pushing him away.
     He stumbles back, anger clouding his features.
     "What did you just say to me?"
     "Please," I plead with him, "I don't want you to do that."
     He rolls his eyes, "That's the thing about being taught a lesson, Melanie, you're not supposed to enjoy it. But I sure as hell will."
     He grabs my neck again, this time squeezing tightly and I reach up to grab his wrists. 
      He pulls me over to my bed and throws me down on my back, crawling on top of me and putting one knee in between my legs.
Just shut up and take it. You said you would. And he'll stay if you do. Anything, remember?
      His eyes wander up and down my body. My breaths are coming out quick and short because of his grip on my throat. I close my eyes tightly, pretending not to feel the solitary tear that slides down my cheek.
Shut up and take it. Shut up and take it. Be a good girl.
      "You're such a tease." Adam tells me, almost like he wants to have an actual conversation.
      Just as he bends down, his lips on my collarbone, we both hear the front door open.
      The words spill out of my mouth so fast I can't stop them. I've never called for my mom before. I've never screamed for help.
      Adam glares at me and sends a hard slap to my face, "Shut the hell up."
     He scrambles up off my bed just as my door bursts open to reveal my mom, her eyebrows furrowed in worry.
     "What's wrong sweetie?"
     I look at Adam who's almost daring me to speak.
     "I just missed you." I whisper.
     She sighs in annoyance, "Honestly, Melanie, you had me scared out my mind. Can't you be any more considerate of others? Don't call for me next time unless it's an emergency, I'm extremely tired."
     She leaves no room for argument as she turns around and walks out of my room.
      Adam grins over at me. His mood has completely changed.
      "Now you've done it. She's probably gathering her things right now."
      I bite me lip. He's right. What if that was her last straw?
     "I'll go smooth things over. Go get an ice pack for your cheek." He says.
      And he's gone too.
     I don't understand what just happened. How someone could go from being my brother to trying to kiss me.
     Maybe he needed a release. It's not like we're actually related. And plus, that's just another way for me to be his punching bag. I shouldn't have objected.
      God, I'm a screw up. I'm weak.
     I know that I should be greatful right now, because Adam is going to make sure mom doesn't leave. But I just feel disgusting. I feel like his fingers are still crawling all over my body.
Suddenly I have to run into my bathroom and throw open the toilet lid, bending my head over the opening and just releasing all of the contents of my stomach.
After cleaning myself up, I go to change my clothes. Already ripping the jacket off and planning to throw it away, I feel someone's eyes on me.
I turn around and face my window.
That's all it takes for me to break down and cry.

Hi guys, don't worry, I know the past few chapters have been upsetting but I think you'll like what I have in store.
Don't forget to vote and comment.

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