Sock on the Doorknob

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"We just got here, how did they disappear so fast?" Mel asks me, hovering next to me as we're jostled around by the crowd at David's party.
Robert and I picked up the girls after helping David set everything up, Danny came too, riding in the very back row of seats along with Claire who didn't want to "distract the driver" with the light from her phone screen.
The second we got her, Claire, Riley, Danny, and Robert took off. I didn't see where they went, and Mel didn't have time to catch up with them.
      "Come on, we can have fun without them." I wink at her and smile.
      Mel looks around, tugging on her jacket nervously.
"Can't we just hide in the kitchen? Or under a table, or a bed?"
"We're going to have fun, okay?" I tell her.
Mel sighs, "Do we have to?"
I roll my eyes and grab her arm, deciding to ignore how she stiffens and her breath hitches. She looks up at me and then down at my hand.
"You're hands are soft." She says, like she did that day on the escalator.
"We've talked about this," I chuckle, "I moisturize."
I lead her through the jumble of people dancing around to the faint music radiating from the speaker in the living room.
     We reach the table that Rob and I spent two hours arranging, covered in drinks and snacks, David's fridge is basically empty now.
     "First, grab a refreshment, Milady." I say, grabbing a red solo cup and filling it up with something from a pitcher. David wasn't specific, all he knows is that is has alcohol.
      "I'm not a big drinker." Mel says.
     "Don't worry, I didn't expect you to, theres some water under the table." I tell her nonchalantly, taking sip from my cup.
      She crosses her arms, "What is that supposed to mean."
      "Nothing, just that I knew you wouldn't want to drink."
She narrows her eyes and grabs a cup, "I'm perfectly capable of handling a few drinks."
"Maybe you shouldn't-."
Mel ignores me and fills up her cup from the same pitcher, taking a large swig. Her eyes widen and she starts coughing as soon as she swallows, her lips puckering up like she just took a bite out of a lemon.
      I stifle a laugh, "Okay, let's go find something to do."
She follows me around until we reach the backyard, where Claire and Danny are standing on either side of a ping pong table being used for beer pong.
"Oh! Ni-Ni! Come play, you and Mason can play against Danny and I."
Mel looks at me, "I've never played before."
"I'll show you how." I assure her and we make our way over to them.
      It's obvious that the two girls across from me are already tipsy, stumbling over themselves and whispering to each other. Mel looks at them with a small smirk.
     "You know something I don't?" I whisper to her, throwing the ping pong ball across the table and landing it in, causing Claire to groan.
      Mel smiles up at me, "I'm very good at keeping secrets."
I watch as Danny passes the ball back to us and Mel catches it.
"Just try to throw it in the cup." I tell her.
She rolls her eyes and aims her arm before throwing the ball and watching with anticipation as it bounces on the table before landing in a cup.
       "I made it in!" She squeals, jumping up and down.
     I laugh at her excitement.
     The game goes on for another half hour, before I've had to down most of our cups, throwing some behind my shoulder since Claire and Danny don't really seem to be paying attention to us. Mel has had three, and is already giggling way more than usual. Not that she really laughs a lot. Ever.
     Finally all of our cups are gone and Claire and Danny throw their hands in the air in victory.
"We won!" Danny yells.
I know Rob is probably going to kill me for letting his little sister get so wasted, but the smile on Mel's face makes it all worth it.
      She's actually enjoying herself, in a crowd full of people.
     "We won." Claire confirms, looking at Danny as she stops jumping.
      They both look at each other and I glance at Mel, who's also watching their interaction.
     Suddenly Claire leans in and touches her lips to Danny's. My eyes widen and Mel gasps.
      "What the Hell?"
     I snap my gaze over to Rob, who's walking toward us with a confused and hurt glare.
      "Oh, God," Danny jerks away form Claire, "Rob it's not what it looks like."
      "I'm leaving. So you come now and explain, or you can find a different ride home." Rob snaps.
     He's obviously upset, someone he's been pining over for weeks, is actually in love with his little sister.
      "I'm so sorry," Danny rushes out, stumbling to catch up with Rob, "I'll text you!" She yells to Claire who's smiling stupidly.
"Are you okay?" Mel asks Claire.
The blond grins, "We kissed." She gives Mel a thumbs up before bending over and letting out all the contents of her stomach.
Gross, bro.
"Im just going to take her upstairs, she'll sleep it off." Mel tells me.
She rounds the table to help Claire stand up and walk back to the house.
We got here like an hour ago. We've already lost three people.
"I'll help." I tell Mel.
Together we practically carry Claire across the yard and into the house, going up the stairs is the hardest part as she keeps losing her footing and laughing every time she falls.
When we finally get her into a bedroom, she immediately slides off her jeans and I turn around.
"Wow." I say.
"Don't be such a prude." Claire slurs as she crawls into David's bed.
"Just relax, Claire. We'll come and check on you later." Mel says to her as she covers her up with a blanket.
"Mel, Mel."
Mel stops, "What's up?"
Claire smiles, "I have a girlfriend."
Mel and I walk out of the room, shutting the door and putting a sock that I pulled out of David's dresser on the doorknob.
"What does it mean?" Mel asks.
I grin, "Occupied."
She nods, "Okay, back to the party?"
"Back to the party."

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