Chapter 1

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Tiana's p.o.v
"I'll be back Maddie. I'm gonna go hang out with Emerson for a little bit", I yelled out to my sister.

"Ok. See you soon." I stepped out of my house and locked the door behind me, proceeding to make my way to my car.

"Ayo, mami! Where you headin?" I rolled my eyes. I knew that voice. That damn annoying ass voice. That voice belonged to the one and only Zion Kuwonu.

"None of your business, ass. Bye bye." Zion liked to tease me by calling me these pet names. It's annoying as hell. Sometimes.

"Woah, calm down. I'm just asking a question." I scoffed at him. "And I'm not answering you. Bye now."

I opened up my car door and got in. Before I could even start my car, I saw Zion run to my window and lean against the door.

I rolled down my window and removed my sunglasses, squinting at him. "What do you want Zion? Seriously? We both hate each other. I don't know why you always insist on talking to me when it's gonna end up with us fighting."

I heard him sigh. "Damn ma. I really just wanted to know where you were goin", He spoke licking his lips and walking away.

Great, now I feel bad. I shouldn't. I really, really shouldn't, but I do.

"Zion wait!", I yelled out. I got out of my car and seen him turn around towards me.

"What?" "I'm going to see Emerson. There. I told you." I saw him give me a slight smile.

"Uh, hows it going with you guys?" I shrugged. "Ok. I guess." "He still hasn't asked you out, huh?" I shook my head.

"I'm sure he'll do it soon", He told me reassuringly.

That's the funny thing about our relationship, or whatever you wanna call it. We can be complete asswholes to each other, and the next minute we're talking like there's nothing wrong. But we still hate each other.

"Well, um, thanks. I'm gonna go now." He nodded and waved to me as I got back in my car.

I waved back and pulled out of my driveway with a smile on my face.
"Hey baby", Emerson pecked my lips and brought me into a hug. "Hey Em. What did you wanna do?" He shrugged.

"I don't know. I was thinking maybe a movie or something?" I laid my head on his chest and nodded. "Sure. That sounds fine."

We stood there, a few seconds longer, before pulling apart. "I'll go get snacks, and you go pick the movie." I nodded and left him, entering the other room.

I was picking the movie, I couldn't help but notice Emerson was acting a little off.

While he was supposed to be getting snacks, he was very...jumpy, I guess you could say, but at the same time he was being very touchy and always telling me little things in my ear.

He came back from the kitchen, without the snacks he told me he was going to get.

"Where's the snacks babe", Yes, we do call each other these names even though we're not dating.

"Umm, you have to go now. I'm so so sorry. Something came up and I have to leave."

I squinted my eyes at him. He was fidgeting with his hands and looking down, which he does when he's lying.

I decided not to say anything, because we aren't dating. I didn't want to be a control freak out of a relationship.

"Oh, ok. Well, I'll see you later I guess." He tried kissing me, but I dodged it. I was upset that he was lying to me, but I didn't want to say anything.

I got into my car, and started driving home. I tried to stop myself from thinking the worst case scenario, but I couldn't help it.

What if Emerson was seeing someone else? It technically wouldn't be cheating, cause we're not together, but if he is, there's no way I'm gonna be in a relationship with someone like that.

Once I got home, I saw Zion and Simba playing outside. I got out of my car and squealed. "Hey baby", I bent down to pet him. "Hey mami", Zion responded.

He knew I wasn't talking to him, but again he liked to tease. When her said that back to me, I got butterflies in my stomach. I don't know why though.

"Shut up you ass", I giggled. I looked up and saw he was smiling at me.

"Your home early." He said. I nodded. "Did something happen?" I let out a sigh. "Yea. He told me I had to go cause something came up."

I watched him for a few seconds, at it looked like he was thinking about something.

"What are you thinking?" He looked at me, with sympathy. Something he's never done before.

"Do you think maybe he's seeing another woman?"

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