Chapter 12

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Tiana's p.o.v
This past week with Zion has been amazing. No, we're not dating yet, but I hope we will soon.

Although I've been enjoying my time with Z, I can't stop thinking about Nick, and our month together.

It's effecting me so much that every time me and Z try to have a "moment", I push him away. I don't think Nick thinks about us though, cause he walks around here acting like nothing ever happened.

I've decided that I would talk to Zion about it today. He doesn't know, he thinks we're just hanging out.

"Hey T, what wrong? Your so tense." My sister Maddie came and sat beside me on the couch.

I shrugged, "Nothing." She smiled at me and shook her head. "Stop lying." I sighed and turned my head towards her.

"You really want to know the truth?" She nodded and grabbed my hand. "Yes please. You've helped me with so many things in the past, and still are, so this time I want to help you."

I squeezed her hand and grinned. "Well, remember how Nick and I had that thing going on." She hummed. "Well, now that Z and I are talking again, I can't get Nick out of my head. I'm thinking about  him all the time. I'm gonna tell Zion today, I'm just really nervous. What if he hates me?"

She shook her head and let her body lean into my side. "He won't hate you. If anything he'll give you time to think about everything. And have you ever considered that maybe you gained feelings for Nick? That could be why you can't stop thinking about him."

I flopped down, making her flop down beside me. "I know but I love Zion. And I told him that. He's for sure gonna hate me."

"No he won't! Stop saying that! And if he loves you, he will give you time. He can't hate and love you at the same time."

I nodded and sat back up, pulling her into a hug. "Thank you Madeline. Your seriously the best sister ever." She giggled and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"I know. Now go talk to your man. And don't be nervous." I stood up and straightened my pants. "I'll try. Thanks again Mads."

She gave me a thumbs up as I grabbed my phone and keys off the table in front of us and left.

I popped my head back inside to see her still sitting on the couch, "I'll be back in a little. Love you." Before I fully closed the door I heard an I love you too.

I shook out my arms and rolled my head a couple of times before making my way over to the Prettymuch house.

I took another deep breath, and I finally knocked on the door. "Oh hey Tiana. How are you?" I smiled at Nick. "I'm good, how are you?" He smiled at me, making my heart melt.

"Great. Come in. I assume your here to talk to Zion?" I nodded. "Well, he's in his room", He moved out of the way to let me in.

At first I was hesitant, but I quickly left a kiss on his cheek, and ran upstairs. When I got to the top, I looked down and saw Nick leaned against the door, smiling, holding his cheek.

He's such a dork.

I knocked on Zions bedroom door, and he replied with an, it's open, which made me nervous.

"Hey Z." I saw him on his computer, working on what I assumed to be music. He turned around with a smile on his face.

"Hey baby. I missed you." "I literally saw you yesterday", I giggled.

He got up and kissed me. I smiled at the gesture, and sat on his bed, signalling him to do the same thing.

"So, Z, there's something I have to talk to you about", I told him getting straight to the point.

"Ok, whats up?" He smiled at me, and I tried my hardest not to smile back. I was trying to stay focused.

"Um, so you know that Nick and I had something going on for a month.." He nodded his head slowly at me. "Well-" "Did that little bastard get you pregnant?", He jumps up.

I chuckled and pulled his arm so he sat back down. "No, no. I am NOT pregnant. I would like to wait till after marriage to have children. Anyways! That's not the point, the point is that, um, is that.."

"What T? What's going on?" I sighed and looked his in his eyes. "I just can't stop thinking about Nick", I said immediately letting me head hang low.
Hehehehehehe I don't ever think I've left you guys on a cliffhanger, so here you go! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 🤍🤍🥺☺️😊

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