Chapter 26

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Three months later

Third persons p.o.v
"Oh fuck off Zion. I said I would clean it in a bit I'm just tired." Zion just came home from the studio and saw that the kitchen was still messy from last nights dinner party.

"Would you stop being such a bit-" He cut himself off before he could call Tiana the word that he would very much regret saying.

"What?", She asked with tears suddenly in her eyes. "What were you gonna call me?" He shook his head trying to forget it. "Nothing baby. Don't worry." "No! Tell me what the hell you were just gonna call me!", she screamed.

He sighed and rubbed over his face with his hands. "Nothing baby. I'm sorry. Don't worry about it." She stood up from their shared bed before waddling downstairs. Her bump has began to grow over these past few months.

Oh yea, and they were right, they are having a girl.

"Where you going T? Come back. Let's take a nap." "I'm going for a walk. I don't know when I'll be back." He ran down the stairs, chasing after her. "Then I'm coming with you." She turned around suddenly, making him bump into her.

His hands went to her waist so she didn't fall. Tiana scoffed and pushed him away before slipping on a pair of flats and slamming the door behind her.

"Fuck!" Zion threw his shoes at the ground and went over to the couch flopping down. His head went into his hands as he let out silent cries.

He didn't know why he would call his beautiful, amazing girlfriend that word. He doesn't know why he's been in such a pissy mood lately.

It most certainly wasn't fair to Tiana. She was carrying a baby. His baby. A life was growing inside of her and she had to deal with him acting like a child.

Zion took a deep breath, removing his hands from his face before standing up to clean for Tiana.

He went to the kitchen, starting there, it being the messiest room in the house. Once he was done in there, the rest of the house was a breeze. It wasn't really a mess, since Tiana cleaned it this morning.

When Zion checked the clock after cleaning nearly the entire house, he saw an hour and a half had passed and Tiana still wasn't home.

He sighed before taking a pack of chicken breasts out of the freezer and some vegetables out of the fridge.

He took out a bottle of red wine and poured some in the bowl the chicken was sitting in, and added some spices, letting the meat marinate. He then worked on the vegetables first, frying them before taking the chicken out to the barbecue.

What Zion didn't know was that while he was cooking the chicken, Tiana came back home and was watching him silently, from the open patio door.

When Zion turned around to grab some water, he saw Tiana there, and he jumped, dropping the tongs.

"When'd you get home baby?" He set the tongs on the bbq, and slowly made his way over to his girlfriend, hoping she wouldn't push him away.

"A few minutes ago.." She finally looked into his eyes and walking to him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry Zion. I didn't mean to walk out. That wasn't the adult thing to do. And I know I should be helping out more, I'm just so tir-" "No", He started. "I don't wanna hear you apologize. There's nothing to apologize for. I'm the one who should be apologizing. I should have never even thought of calling you that word. I'm the bitch."

Tiana felt her eyes begin to water, and so she pushed her face into his chest. "I love you", She cried out. "I love you t-"

Zion stopped himself as he watched Tiana get down on one knee. "What're you-?"

"Caleb Zion Kuwonu, the love of my life, the father of our soon to be beautiful daughter, will you do me the honours and be my husband, for the rest of our lives?"

He watched as she pulled a small box out of her sweater pocket. Z felt himself starting to cry. He got down on his two knees, to be the same level as her, but still being taller then her.

"Yes. Baby. Yes I will." She smiled and slipped the ring on his finger before pulling him into a kiss.

"I was gonna propose to you, baby." Tiana giggled against his lips before putting her arms around his waist.

"This ring is beautiful. I love it. When'd you buy it?" Zion rested his chin on top of Tiana's head, while waiting for a response.

"A few weeks ago. I left it at Billie and Maddies place so you wouldn't find it. That's where I walked to."

He grinned and kissed her head. "I love you." Tiana looked up at him and smiled, pecking his lips. "I love you too."
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