Chapter 2

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Authors note: this is chapter 2 guys!! Have funnnn readingg!!


Ayden: 'Girls are so confusing, but this girl is just.... man, she's something else. I mean, who does she think she is talking to me like that. She literally called me out on the shit that I do. I know I do stupid shit, but she can't call me out on that. No one does. Every girl likes me; I'm that amazing; I just don't understand why she doesn't like me. I mean, everyone likes me. Every guy wants to be me, and every girl wants to be with me.

One way or another, I will figure her out.



"I cannot believe he had the nerve to yell so every person could hear that I have a nice ass. What a jerk. I never want to see that idiot again." So I say, frustrated to Amanda, who happens to be my best friend, as we walk into school.

Amanda is that friend you meet when you need them the most, and they stay with you forever. She is that friend that brings out the best in you and makes you a better person. She and I have been through thick and thin, and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

"Hey, he thinks you have a nice ass. Isn't that great?

"No, it's not great, Amanda. I don't want him in my life; I know what kind of a person he is, and I'd rather not even associate with him. It would bring my life too much drama."

"Look, all I'm saying or instead trying to say is that Ayden has taken an interest in you, and I'm not so sure that that's a bad thing. And I don't think you will be able to get rid of him as quickly as you want to.

"Well, I don't care if he's taken an interest in me. I don't find him remotely interesting. So I would like to get as far away as possible from him.

"Well, you never know; he could be this adorable guy who's super charming and compassionate but doesn't show it because he's too worried about his reputation."

"You're joking, right?"

"Of course I am." She says, laughing at me

And for the second time today, I accidentally bump into someone and fall on my butt.

"Oh, I'm so sorry; I didn't even see you there!" I say to the stranger who I bumped into.

"Oh, I don't mind GORGEOUS. I was hoping you would bump into me again," He says while grabbing my hand and helping me up.


"Speechless, are we?"

" No, Ayden. I'm just choosing to ignore you, but unfortunately, now I have to explain why I'm not talking. I say, turning away from him to walk away.

"Come on gorgeous, I just wanted to give you something," he says, stepping in front of me, holding out the book I tried reaching for at the bookstore.

"Ummm.... thanks.... but why are you giving this to me?"

"What can't I do something nice for a pretty girl

"Probably not without some kind of strings attached."

"No, strings attached, sweetheart, just trying to do something nice for you."

"I find that very hard to believe, Ayden, and please stop giving me different nicknames.

"Well then, why don't you tell me your name and I'll stop giving you nicknames," he says, winking at me and giving his signature smirk.

"If you really want to know my name, you'll have to work for it and figure it out on your own," I say to him and try walking away for the billionth time.

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